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So everyone keeps telling me that Pregnancy is the most wonderful experience in the world. For me, pregnancy was a nightmare. I felt like I lived in my own little bubble for the 42 weeks.
We found out we were pregnant when I was 5 weeks along. We had an US and found out we were having a baby at the end of December. We were elated and lived on cloud nine until I entered the second trimester. It was like there was a switch. I started to get morning sickness at night time, I lived in our bedroom when I wasn’t working. The laptop got a great work out! My poor hubby had to take up all cleaning duties because the smell of chemicals made me vomit. It’s incredible your sense of smell during pregnancy, and it wasn’t pleasant!
At around 15 weeks I started to have trouble walking. I could walk no further than 100 meters without excruciating pain in my hips. From here walking became an impossible task. I would be walking along fine and then BAM out of nowhere I would fall to the floor, my legs just gave out. I decided I needed to see a Physio. I found out I had Symphasis Pubis Disroder which is actually quite common for women during pregnancy. The next 20 weeks seemed to drag. I was wearing the brace I was given to help with the stability in my hips but it didn’t work. I began to think about early maternity leave and the straw that broke the camels back?? well that was when my hips gave out at work and I fell, breaking a bone in my foot. So I couldn’t walk, I ended up with crutches for the last 10 weeks of pregnancy and had to finish work earlier than expected and put in bed rest until bub was ready to make her appearance. Bed rest for 12 weeks, so many tears of frustration.
When I was 36 weeks pregnant we had the toughest stage which broke me down. We lost a friend in a hit and run, doctors refused to help me with the SPD and told me to basically suck it up and our landlord ended our lease and have us 30 days to move out because they wanted to do renos. Needless to say heavily pregnant and stressed to the max, emotions in over drive! I ended up in hospital from the stress and thought bub was on her way. No, false alarm she was just playing with us.
We found a new house but I couldn’t help move so I stood back watching my husband do everything and he was amazing, not complaining once!
In my final week of pregnancy I fell out of the shower and hurt my hip, did ligament damage that is still not completely healed and was electrocuted by a stereo. I was so ready to scream and kill someone by this stage.
I was induced for labour at 42 weeks, tried natural birth but bub was face up and got stuck. We tried forceps and ended up with an emergency Caesar after 4-5 hours of pushing.
I gave birth to my beautiful baby girl Myah Rosemary and she is the most perfect little bundle of life. You know what, I would do it all over again, and we are trying now for number 2! It was tough but having this little person in my life makes everything worth it
Posted by case_girl, 8th May 2013
mom57522 said
- 30 Dec 2014
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