
42 Comment

This is going to sound so so petty. It is such a small issue in the grand scheme of things. I just need to vent something.
I have worked in my job for 7 years.
For the last 7 years myself and another lady have tidied up the kitchen area, do dishes and just generally tidy up.
I finish at 5pm she finishes early afternoon. If she doesnt do it i obviously do it.
Lately and for a long time i have been doing it most of the time.
Last Friday i had enough. I really lost my cool and was super angry.
i know its dumb. She is avoiding me now but she should pull her weight too right?
Am i being unreasonable or should i just suck it up?

Posted anonymously, 21st January 2015

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  • You are not being unreasonable. I’m so glad we have a place to safely ‘vent’ . I know I’d go mad without it!


  • is she suppose to finish at the same time? I would be annoyed if she want pulling her own weight


  • No I think you are right. The other lady should help you. Perhaps you could suggest a mini roster. You do it 1 week and she does it the next! . That seems fair to me.


  • Although your right it is a small issue, I can understand how you would get annoyed at this. Perhaps its time to sit and discuss with everyone involved and come up with a schedule. Something everyone can be accountable for? Goodlcuk.


  • It is so much easier for staff to clean up after themselves than leave it for that one kind person that may have to spend extra time doing it & is never acknowledged!

    • My workplace has a sign that says ‘your mother doesn’t work here, wash up your own cup!’ Above the sink

      • Good on your workplace Tam! It is only fair that the person who has a cuppa should wash up their own!


  • Clear communication is key, have it in the job description and a roster to make it fair.


  • Sorry but you have not supplied enough info for me. Is it in your job duties/descriptions to do this? OR has it just been that other staff are lazy and you took this job (with the other lady) on yourself? Seriously all staff should be keeping the place neat and tidy and every one should wash/clean their own cups and mess. I would be bringing this to the attention of all staff. Best Of Luck.


  • Help you feel better now.

    In my office, we have these people who do not clean his/her own coffee cups or dishes. Everything stays in the sink. In many instance, the office manager is the one cleaning them up at the end. Go figures.


  • yeh here is a good place to vent and have others whine with you its great, but i dont think you are being unreasonable maybe she has got used to you doing it and didnt realise it was an issue for you, so maybe find a way to work it into a conversation so her and others (?) at your work place know your not there to clean up after them.


  • You are not being unreasonable, it is an issue in most work places, unless the company pay someone to do this.
    Does the business have cleaners to do the cleaning of the premises? If they do you could bring up at a staff meeting or to the manager. Because you are being delayed by doing this task or to pay you for the time you spend every day and your time is as valuable as others.
    Ask management for a cleaning roster.
    Are you and his lady the only staff working in this business.
    Confronting in anger at this lady solves nothing, it indicates you lack in communication skills. People can be confronted without losing your temper.
    Another option is to leave the mess of others and only clean what you have used.
    Everyone aught to be cleaning up after themselves.


  • vent away it means you wont lose it at your work mates. Time to bring it up in a meeting saying we all need to work on this


  • Thanks for all the tips.
    I didnt want to do a roster because i thought she might think i am being rude.
    Maybe i will just brign it up in the meeting and ask if people could just wash up there cups etc.
    I dont mind doing it for clients when they come in but it is a bit unfair to do all the employees.
    Thanks everyone

    • I think that is a great idea. Glad you could vent and get it out 🙂


  • Vent all you like I say and no if something is bothering you generally it is not right. I agree with the other comments. Need to bring it up formally and get a proper agreement. Good luck


  • Well, yes, I’d find this annoying. But is it an “unspoken” arrangement? Is there something like a staff meeting where you could bring this up and get it formalised?

    • I agree; raise it at a staff meeting. Good Luck!


  • The cleaning should be fair and equitable; maybe a roster?


  • How about a note in the kitchen asking everyone to clean up after themselves. Why should you clean up after everyone? If everyone did a bit, that would be a lot fairer.

    • I agree with this – unless it’s in your job description it should be up to everyone to clean up after themselves. That’s how it works in our kitchen (that is used by 2 floors)


  • Perhaps having a casual chat and asking if everything is okay with her might help. Maybe she needs to rush off to childcare or do something else that leaves her with no time in the afternoons anymore.


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