
26 Comment

I am so annoyed with the new budget and he way we got shafted for being on the pension. We my Husband and I are on the disability pension due to things and events that put us here but life is so tight already before the cuts but now I really don’t know any more you are damed if you do and damed if you don’t. If we could work we would as our life was so much better when we could. This is just so not right as he cost of living and bills and medication and the list goes on. What we have lost did help make a big difference in our life and paying our bills….rant over

Posted by arcticwynta, 5th June 2014

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  • It is good to have a rant,l hope things are looking up for you now!


  • Feel free to Rant … you have reason.


  • nice story for read

    • I ‘m sorry but have you and do you really read these stories or do you just cut and paste the same few comments all the time.


  • I agree ,we in same position,live frugal ,not sure what to cut out .Id love to work but can’t ,does make it so hard to survive .


  • great


  • I feel for anyone struggling with the cutbacks.


  • it definitely isnt fair!
    i feel for the people on the disability pensions, and the elderly
    they are going to cop it the worst
    it isnt fair that they are being punished for not working, when they physically cant work to begin with.

    People work their whole lives to retire when they get older… how is it fair that they are now being slugged with these extra cut backs. they worked to provide us with what we have today and now they LOSE? so not fair


  • I find that the richer get richer and the poorer get poorer with our government, they should be cutting their pensions, we have worked hard for what we get, I’m a mum on carers pension with 3 kids 1 with spina bifeda and 2 with severe asthma, I find it very hard to get by and they want to take more money from us, they will find the suicide rates and homeless will increase and they will say why what have we done, good luck to everyone let’s hope they start seeing they need to look out for the ones that need it, not these ex politicians that get huge pensions.


  • agree with HOPEFULLYHEIDI’s comments. Disability pensioners and other pensioners do spend a large part of their income on medicine, doctors, health supplements, special dietary requirements etc. so all the help they can get is vital.


  • I’m sorry your going through a rough time at the moment. I hope things get better for you.


  • I totally sympathise with you and your husband, times are already so tough and the government is robbing the poor to feed the rich


  • Yes Eestigirl I must agree with everything you said. The previous goverenment are historically and notoriously bad treasurers. Every time Liberal gets back into power they have a gargantuan mess to clean up. Then eventually they get voted out because people can’t see the future path will be better and we will enjoy more prosperous times. I’m very sensitive to anyone going through a hard time financially and I’m on a rather right budget myself to say the least. The fact remains that Howard actually had us in quite a significant surplus before the last ridiculous government spent all of our money. We are now paying not millions but billions on the interest of the loans they took out. What I object to is the billions in foreign aid that’s given, when we can’t even afford for our own people to have access to all manner of health care services and education, hospital beds etc. I was always brought up with the saying that charity begins in the home.

    • I noticed on yesterday’s news that as part of cutting money going overseas, Julie Bishop is making Foreign Aid recipients more accountable eg some nations have not actually improved after endless years of money handed to them. I’m retired now, and annoyed that my tax dollars were just “thrown away ” when there are so many of our own people right here who really need a hand. Also I heard that in the past First Home Grants had even gone to some people buying overseas. At least this government is fixing up the gaping holes in Australia’s money bucket. If so much money hadn’t been wasted we would still be in surplus instead of fixing a debt crisis.


  • The past ten years just seem to have gotten tougher, money wise. But dint forget the fact that our country actually hands out a pension. We are still a lucky country. I understand things are tough but a little is better than nothing.


  • The budget has really affected a lot of people and will add even more stress and hardship to people such as yourselves …try and keep positive. I hope you have the support elsewhere that can assist if you need it.


  • We still live in one of the best countries there is though .


  • we got our rebates back so that’s good and if they want to save money on the debt then cut those in office down to a pay rate of an amount that is not so high it is a joke but are willing to take from those whom are all ready on the bottom of the food chain. This sort of stress can put the aged and frail into our hospitals not help keep them out. If you think we got out of it free and easy this pension Hubby and I lost $40.00 this may not seem alot to some but $80.00 per month is a difference for us and does make it tighter but I am happy with the rebates back as they really help.


  • Tony abbot has to go hope they get a new prime minister soo


  • Lots of people got shafted. This was a very unfair budget.


  • The budget is a challenge for me too but I would rather tighten my belt than have out of control debt spoil the future for my grandchildren. This budget will at least stop the debt getting worse. I blame the previous government for throwing away good money and creating this mess.


  • It’s absolutely ridiculous. I hate what they’re doing to us.


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