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Last year my daughter 14 at the time was in hockey grand finals. Watching te game with a one year old was quiet challenging to say the least. I walked off for jut a couple of minutes. Then I hear someone is down. It’s one of ours, it’s Morgan. I leave my pram ad run on field and see my daughter laying there crying. She had been smashed I the face with a “big hit ” hockey ball. Blood everywhere not 1st aid kit or 1st aid people.

I don’t think and just took her off the field not knowing what was going to happen. Took her the chemist for pain relief and to wait for swelling to go down. No point taking her to the hospital until then.

Took her to the doctor the following day for the doctor to start about not taking her to the hospital. Anyway went for an x ray an then Took her to my normal doctor. 4 bones cracked I her face ad nothing try could do.

Oh my god did it go black. It was black for 8 weeks. (See photo that is at 6 weeks) bit I have to say the amount of people that Sao horrible things when we were out, and not just young people. We even had some old lady trying to take a photo of her. These people are so very rude. You don think my hilt was going through enough? I think towards te end I am lucky I didn’t get arrested as I was so over it.

If you see someone with something wrong learnt to shut up or at least wait to talk about them til you are out of hearing distance.

On a happy note my girls face is still beautiful and she can walk around without people saying nasty things

Posted by omgjag31, 21st September 2013

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  • I just had someone inbox me with a really rude comment. I just deleted it and reported it as spam


  • People often speak before engaging their brains sometimes.


  • Lots of sympathy – but perhaps their intent was good, genuine concern about her?


  • People can be horrid & not just the young. Your daughter is beautiful & brave & playing a sport which lots of the young ones of today just aren’t interested in. I would have had a hard time biting my tongue. Thank you for sharing your story & I hope your gorgeous girl keep playing hockey.


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