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My daughter recently enrolled in GymbaROO and although we love to go and play and love their policy about if a toy gets sucked on it goes into a bucket to be cleaned before the next kids come through … they also have a sickness policy and that is if your kids are sick please keep them at home … So our first week some sniffles arose and we stayed home but in the last few weeks I have seen the greeniest chunkiest boogies hanging out of the same kids noses …. ewwwwww … seriously !! keep your kids at home they obviously have a infection for that colour to come out !!

Posted by bianca_bonakey, 29th August 2013

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  • Infection control and children – the ongoing struggle!


  • I think we all have a responsibility when it comes to health and the impact it has on others. I had a restaurant and would not allow my staff to work in the kitchen if they were sick of the same reason. I understand it must be hard sometimes for working mums to juggle that without a backstop but there is always a way if necessary.


  • thanks for sharing x


  • yeah, my kids go to day care and they are always like that. you have no choice but to send them.


  • OMG, I can so related to this. I took my daughter to a music group and someone elses kid climbed up my leg with a very snotty home. If they are sick, stay home. It should be a no brainer


  • I just loved your description of those runny noses!


  • Ewww ewww ewww that is just gross i understand it can be a time for mum to get some sanity and leave the house but sick kids should stay home and rest and just curtorsy to not infect other kids


  • This is one thing that still bugs me, I know kids need to build up immunity to bugs but please keep sick kids at home


  • This is so annoying!!! We went to play centre yesterday and there was a kid running around with a big cough every 2 steps his mum was just watching him. I took my daughter home- I didn’t want to risk it


  • Yes disgusting. I never take my children to public places if they are sick.


  • YES!!! This peeves me off soooo much!!!!! I won’t even take my kids to indoor play centres anymore as they always catch some sickness a few days later. So many kids running around with boogies all over their faces and coughing their guts up!! Kids should be at home resting when they are unwell


  • my daughter doesnt go to daycare as I am at home with her fulltime.. I dont like daycare and my daughter has never actually been sick or had the flu before just sniffles that we manage to nip in the butt before it goes into the flu.. my neighbours child is in daycare shes constantly sick with gastro and flus and shes only 3


  • Kids are all going to get sick from one another. As long as they are properly immunised, your children shouldn’t get overly sick. Better to get it all out of their systems before big school!


  • I know its hard for some working mums to have days off but why should our healthy kids get sick because of them


  • i feel the same as you, hate the infections that my kids bring from playgroup


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