
23 Comment

Come on ladies, show some originalty! I have said it before – I love reading the comments, and I am so sick of the “cut and paste” merchants who are only out to score points. Comment on everything and anything you like, but please please PLEASE show some originality – if I see “thanks for sharing” one more time I think I shall scream!

Posted by katelt, 17th January 2014

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  • MoM has now imemented some strategies on dealing with copy and paste, so I have read, so this should no longer be an issue


  • I agree, I think there can be a better and fairer way in regards to points allocation!


  • it a a great and exellent story


  • its the same as having a “real story” being two lines of I don’t want to do this or do that to get the extra points. put it in the questions to be answered where they should go


  • I don’t let stuff like that bother me, I’m in here read, learn, make comments, and earn points just like MOM encourages us to do, how other people earn their points is of no interest to me – I scroll past the ones you refer to.

    • Well said Michelle; I have a similar experience.

      • i agree. i don’t try to worry anymore but i appreciate when mums leave a big comment as i know that it takes a lot of time to write it.


  • I’ve only been here a short time but have already seen some strange comments as responses that don’t mean anything in relation to the article.


  • one word comments don’t get points anyway…


  • I dont think there has been any improvement in this in any way shape or form…

    it is driving me nuts too


  • I think it is getting better now that there have been a few changes to the site…hopefully will continue to improve


  • i write something different every time. Im not sure why people do this unless they just want you to see they have read your story or blog. Im not worried it people all write the same thing. At least i know they have looked at my blog/story


  • if you read down in this one there one lady that has agreed with you then shes said another thing and also she has put i wonder if anyone reads these things.. i dont think shes reading them. no offence or anything but just think before you type. i also dont care if people copy and paste its just them wanting to win.

    but ey we all here to talk one way or another.


  • Unless MoM comes up with a feature to report that particular user from spamming? It’s quite common these days on certain websites. If they received enough complaints from the same user then they get some sort of warning before penalty applies?


  • Why so upset? Not everyone is artistically articulate. Maybe they just want to be part of the community. We all need to be more accepting of everyone and all their differences.


  • So glad you have put this out there seems to be the same people though. My favourites are stories that are personal on a blog etc and there’s comments like thanks for the great tips! What tips? aggh! I love this page but seems it can be quite competitive with comments with dots and /


  • Never truer words have been spoken. I love to read the articles and stories – yes the recipes too. But I only comment when I see fit… and I try and contribute rather than just ‘score points’


  • Ha Ha – well said Kathryn!


  • Yes, we all love to try new recipes 🙂 Wonder if they read the stories as well?


  • Especially one at the moment taht I have seen again and again – part of the comment is “thanku” – if only she would put a space in – it is driving me crazy!


  • Yes ageed – I was just reading the same thing and it is super annoying.


  • Also – from the rewards page:
    Honestly is the best policy!
    MoM Rewards is about rewarding members who are genuinely interested in connecting and sharing with other mums and getting involved. We’ve provided so many opportunities for you to earn reward points but do ask that you respect the Mouths of Mums community – please don’t post one word comments or fake product reviews if you haven’t actually tried the product yourself. If you do put up duplicate comments on any pages any points awarded will be taken off your account, so please ensure all comments are useful so that everyone can enjoy MoM rewards! The MoM Team will be monitoring all MoM Rewards activity and members seen to be ‘points racking’ will have all points immediately removed from their membership


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