22 Comment
Well, I was wondering what other people feel about charities doorknocking.
What started me thinking was earlier this week; it was about 6.30pm, so after dark here. I was in the middle of trying to get three kids under six ready for bed, and I was simultaneously on the phone to my husband (so he could say goodnight to the kids). And suddenly someone banged on my front door so hard it frightened me. We do have a doorbell, but they chose not to use it.
So I opened the door – knowing the security door was closed and locked – and found a young lady who said she was associated with Paralympics Australia. I assume she was going to ask for money, but I brushed her off. I was too busy. But honestly, even if she’d picked a better time, there’s no way I was going to open my security door after dark to a stranger, especially when alone with the kids, and definitely not with money in hand.
I’m not arguing the Paralympics are important. I have a disabled son. And I know charities have to raise money. We donate to some charities when we can.
But – bailing me up in my own home? Banging / crashing on my door instead of using the doorbell? Expecting me to open my security door to a stranger after dark? Choosing what’s dinner time for a lot of people? Am I the only one that thinks this is unreasonable when there are so many other ways to solicit money?
Posted anonymously, 7th August 2014
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