
68 Comment

My kids and I were on a walk this past weekend and my 3 year old daughter stops me and says,

“Mama, did you know that I came from your belly?” She was smiling and very happy with her question.

“Yes I did! You came out of my tummy!”

She smiled sweetly and said in a cute little voice “Yep, just like a poop!”

We laughed and laughed! It’s funny how they put things together!

Posted by hotsaucemama, 24th March 2014

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  • A friend of mine had a 5 year oold daughter who had anly been at school for part of her first term. With no consent form sent home, in its wisdom the school did sex education. Miss came home from school, pushed a doll up her skirt, then pulled it down dead down and told them some graphic details way above her age group, understanding or maturity. Her Mother had explained some elementary details to her. The “doll” was the only part she understood apart from what her Mum had discussed with her. The rest that the school taught the class she didn’t understand at all. Many parents were not at all happy (Mums talk while taking the children to their classroom).


  • this is the funniest thing that i have heard today!


  • nice exellent


  • i like reading these stories it s fun


  • good story


  • exellent story


  • Kids are gorgeous at this age arnt they! My son says the nicest things about people right to their faces. The other day he told a man he was a really nice man. I think it made the guys day!


  • Kids are always good at giving you a laugh.


  • Kids are just so cute.


  • Gorgeous, when I was giving birth to my 3rd. & was expecting a poop but out came Mitchell lol


  • love the way little ones think…


  • this is so hilarious 🙂


  • Oh my! I love kids comments and logic! So funny!


  • There always cute with there comments


  • Those little stories I remember from my children and now I’m hearing them from my grand children. It is all so very precious 🙂


  • Lol the things little kids say 🙂


  • that is so cute and very funny – kids 🙂


  • Oh bless her. I hope you’re keeping a scrap-book of photos, treasured momentos of her life, and some of the funny quotes she comes out with. What a beautiful gift it would be to give her when she is a mother herself.


  • That’s funny ,least she understands bowel movements !


  • How cute, i cant wait till my daughter starts talking


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