
68 Comment

My kids and I were on a walk this past weekend and my 3 year old daughter stops me and says,

“Mama, did you know that I came from your belly?” She was smiling and very happy with her question.

“Yes I did! You came out of my tummy!”

She smiled sweetly and said in a cute little voice “Yep, just like a poop!”

We laughed and laughed! It’s funny how they put things together!

Posted by hotsaucemama, 24th March 2014

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  • I love the 3 year old mind, very simple and basic and yes the questions and answers are usually very funny


  • That is so funny hadn’t heard that one before my son thought he came out of my mouth!He asked Doesn’t it hurt when i come up from your belly and you push me out your mouth just like food!


  • Haha! Out of the mouths of babes ❤️


  • Haha kids are so funny, everything seems so black and white for them


  • How cute was that comment. Children just come up with some interesting and amazing things don’t they.


  • It is funny how their minds work


  • That is too funny, they don’t miss a thing!


  • ;”) awww, its these things i look forward to when my son is old enough to talk and is discovering all these little things…
    kids come out with the most random and funny things.
    absolutely beautiful!


  • hahaha!


  • Oh so cute ..lovely 🙂


  • well its the same muscles doing the work. love how kids just say what they think!


  • If only it was that easy!


  • I find children come out with the funniest of sayings.
    I love the new words and things my son says.


  • Ah that’s so cute, don’t you wonder where they come up with things to say.


  • Ha ha, although she will be mortified when she is older that she described herself as poop!!


  • Hahaha that is super cute


  • They are so innocent, I always wonder how theirs minds click over these amazing theories. Cutest things they say.


  • hehe…oh so true


  • The innocence of the young


  • Haha. Kids can be so funny!


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