

I have written before about my experiences with depression and anxiety. I want to share and make people aware about mental health issues. After a recent more thorough investigation into my depressive and anxiety issues my counsellor has identified that I am a victim of maternal alienation by my son’s father and the Perinatal Mental Health Worker has identified that I have CPTSD. I welcome questions and maybe one day I will write a book about my life. I want others to know that they aren’t alone and there are ways to manage with varying forms of depression in ones life.

Posted by Lori-Anne, 31st May 2016

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  • What’s the difference between Post traumatic stress disorder and CPTSD?


  • Part of the trouble is that people often struggle to put words to their feelings. Good luck in your journey.


  • Seems they’ve got a label and excuse for so many behaviours nowadays. You are to be congratulated on your bravery on speaking out about your experience


  • My Mother In Law was also diagnosed with PTSD a couple of years ago. She found writing to be very therapeutic, and is trying to get her work published.
    You are very brave to share your experiences, and you may just help someone in need to speak up.
    After seeing my Mother in Law in such a dark place, I realise the importance of being able to talk about it. Thankyou for your posts.


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