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Since having a daughter I’ve realized how much I have to change how I think about myself. I knew that having a child would change how I felt about my body but I never thought it would be like this.
The other day my daughter reached to grab my feet, which I’ve always hated because they’re big and because I run and have a tendency to walk around barefoot they’re dirty, tough with callouses and generally unattractive in my eyes. I immediately said ‘No don’t, they’re dirty and gross’, she looked at my feet then looked down at her own and I could see she was trying to process what I had said.
That is when I realised I had to change my attitude. I want to raise a daughter who is proud and confident no matter how her body turns out, and the best way to ensure that is to provide her with a good example. I have to stop putting down my features that I don’t like in myself otherwise she’ll begin looking for flaws in herself.
Since that day I’ve started consciously thinking about what I say to her because I know that at 2 she is trying to put everything, including herself, into place in the world and I need to make it my goal to ensure she goes to the right place. Now when she looks at different parts of my body I explain them to her instead of brushing it off. It’s amazing how just changing what I say out loud to her changes how I feel inside about myself.
Speaking in a more affirmative manner about myself puts me in a positive frame of mind and makes me want to achieve more. Since then I’ve started running, ok slowly jogging, again and I’m going to join a yoga class. I’ve also started eating more salad and less dessert, only slightly less but still. All of this is because I want to be the best person I can be for this tiny human who looks up to me as the knowledge of her universe and it’s changing all of our lives.
Posted by sarahsampsonite, 29th October 2015
mom94125 said
- 29 Dec 2015
mom81879 said
- 06 Nov 2015
mom165081 said
- 02 Nov 2015
mom93821 said
- 31 Oct 2015
mom93821 said
- 30 Oct 2015
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