10 Comment
I am very very concerned by your statement about unnecessary medical intervention especially vaccines… I am sorry, but vaccines are not unnecessary, they are extremely vital, not only protecting you, your children, your family and friends, but other people and their children and their family and their friends.
How else do you think Australia managed to eradicate TB, just to have it come back when people starting this stupid idea of rejecting vaccinations.
I tell you what – go to your local childrens hospital and vist the intensive care unit.
Any parent there who refused to immunise their child is going to tell you how much they regret their decision.
Not to mention your child will not be able to attend many childcare centres, kindergartens or even some schools without proof of immunisation as schools etc do not want to be in the position of being sued because your child got sick, or worse, caused another child to become ill – take te case of the baby too young to have been given her shots, who became gravely ill as the result of contact with an unimmunised child. Want that on your conscience?
Everyone goes on and on about Oh it is the individual parents choice – I do not believe for one instant this should be the case.
Unless there is absolute medical eveidence advising against it, I truly think refusal to do the right thing by your child should be considered as child abuse or child endangerment.
It is one thing to insist your only health care needs can be met by faith healers, naturpaths and purveyors of fairy dust, but to risk your own child’s heatlh and well being is, to me, complete insanity.
I will finish my rant with this:
Members of my family have been closely involved with several small towns in Uganda and Zimbabwe.
In Uganda in particular they have, through immunisation and education, managed to drop the infant mortality rate from diseases like malaria from 8 out of 10 to 1 out of 10.
That is 9 little bundles of joy alive, giggling and laughing, rather than being dead and buried, thanks to vaccinations.
Posted by katelt, 2nd May 2013
mom165744 said
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mom57522 said
- 28 Dec 2014
mom165081 replied
- 27 Dec 2015 , 10:19 am
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