4 Comment
I am currently 30 weeks pregnant with my second child and I have realised that I am much more excited than I was for my first pregnancy. I have no idea why, as I have heard a lot of people have the opposite problem but I think for me knowing what is ahead of me is fantastic!
My first son was (and still is) a terrible sleeper, had bad reflux and was just in general a grumpy and miserable child that never smiled much at anyone! He is now a happy and cheeky toddler who is nearly two, but he has definitely tested me and I think knowing how hard he was makes me feel more confident that I can handle anything now this new little boy throws me!
Posted by razzarach, 5th June 2013
mom57522 said
- 03 Jan 2015
mom63821 said
- 25 Aug 2014
BellaB said
- 16 Apr 2014
aleishagebert said
- 09 Mar 2014
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