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I’ve decided to share my birth story with ‘My Story’ of the birth of my second daughter.
I believe it’s always a great way to remember it by writing it down and I love to share my experience with others.
So here I go.
When I first found out I was pregnant with my second daughter my partner and I were over the moon to be able to bring a second little life into the world. After all we had been trying to concieve her for about 6 months. It was a lot harder for us to concieve her this time round as my hormone levels we’re all over the place.
But here we were second time parents to be excited. I booked a dr appointment and was pointed in the right direction to a doctor that does shared care.
My first appointment with this doctor was horrible. She was so unfriendly, didn’t like my first child’s toy because it made noise. And she was just very rude towards my at the time only just turned 2 year old daughter. But I just kept smiling being nice to this doctor and kept asking my daughter to please sit still and be quiet. Which most of you know is a VERY tall order to ask of a 2 year old.
So while chatting to this doctor she suggested that I take the opportunity of being pregnany to lose weight. I just asked looking shocked “what do you mean?” The doctor replied “pregnancy is great for women to go on diets and excercise and lose weight.”
Now I don’t know about you but I am pretty sure that is strongly against what most doctors advice. I would understand if she just said eat healthy and go for walks. But no she was insistant on dieting.
After I left the 15minute appointment and paid $100 for wasting my time I went home and sulked. What am I going to do I couldn’t continue seeing this women. So I spoke to my partners mother who is a doctor herself. She then said she will take on my pregnancy.
So the following few months I was having such a easy time. Everything was great. Both my MIL and the hospital doctors were so happy with my pragnancy. Everytime I went for hospital check ups, the doctor commented that my pregnancy is a “texted book pregnancy.” Which is different when I think back to my first daughters pregnancy and the high blood pressure that ended up having me in hospital for a few hours.
For the last remaining months of my pregnancy with my second daughter, I was starting to have braxton hicks and trouble walking around. The day before she chose to enter the world I was having intense pain and struggling but I managed to register the dog and do a food shop. All which I got stares of concern from others.
But that night we have a little bon fire in the back yard and my partner turns to me and says the baby should come in the next few days so he can take advantage of paternity leave before he left his job to start what is now his current job. I just laughed as we still have a little over a week to go till her due date. By this time my pains had stopped and I was completely fine.
We all went to bed as per normal and everything was normal. Until 2.30am I was getting serious pains. I knew this wasn’t braxton hick pains this was labour pains. But I got up went to the toilet and the pain because even more intense. Straight away I was having pains every 2 minutes or closer. I woke my partner up and told him I think I am in labour. He just looked at me and said ” are you sure you’re not having poo pains?” Laughing at his comment I replied “NO! CALL YOUR MUM.” As she was needed to look after our oldest daughter.
By the time we got hold of my partners mother, I was down stairs ready to go.
The baby was starting to crown and I wasn’t sure I was able to make it to hospital. So I sat in the car legs crossed, hoping to hold her in till I got there.
Once at the hospital we were in triage being booked in. Seriously, it felt like they were taking forever to type my details in. They may not of been in a hurry or taking me seriously. But I knew what was happening and I knew that the baby is about to fallout.
Now that my details were in the lady started walking us down the hallway. I couldn’t do it. I took 3 steps. Crouched down and as my body pushed my water broke. I started crying because I was still wearing clothes and the water running down my leg felt horrible.
Then I was put into a wheel chair. The lovely man said I should calm down I have plenty of time before this baby arrives. I must of given him a death stare, because he quickly commented “or maybe not.”
As I got into the maternity ward I was greeted by A lovely 2 midwives who quickly showed me my room.As one of the midwives had gone to find the doctor on duty. As I entered the room, I then quickly stood up from the wheel chair pulled my pants down and out came the baby.
The midwife left in the room was in shock. She wasn’t expecting her to arrive so quickly. She stood there with my baby in her arms and wasn’t sure on what to do next. As the my new born baby still had the cord wrapped around her tiny body.
Then my partner stepped in, he unwrapped her from the cord as the other midwife came in. Then my partner was handed the scissors and he proudly cut the cord.
I was so happy with how my labour went and how quickly she arrived into the world. All up from the first contraction to her birth was an hour and a half and pain relief free. I only used heat packs to help with the pain of the contractions while I was at home waiting. Her birth feels me with pride and I couldn’t be happier.
Posted by missemzy, 10th April 2013
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