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So my life lately has revolved around shoes.
Everyone in my house seems to need new shoes at the same time, its almost like the shoes conspired and coordinated their untimely demise.
When winter came I pulled my boots out from the wardrobe and realised that they were slightly talking (the sole was starting to separate from the shoe), I figured I could get away with it for a short time, but lo and behold on the second day wearing them at work the sole decided to just about completely separate from the boot. Therefore I had to buy new boots. Good quality boots are not exactly cheap.
My husbands steel cap work boots are wearing extremely thin, definitely need to replace those, not a cheap exercise.
We started using shoes to keep my one year old son from removing his socks, he is quite happy to go barefoot even on the most cold days, however I do not like it. So we started using shoes, but realised that the ones we bought he quickly outgrew. So rather than buy new ones we got out of the cupboard a pair of sneakers his Pop and Nan gave him for Christmas, sure they are two sized too big, but he doesn’t walk yet and they do their job. However I have noticed of late that as they are Star Wars print he seems to have now developed an obsession over them. Every morning when I am getting him dressed he hands me his shoes and literally hits me with them if he thinks I am taking too long to put them on, then proceeds to try putting them on himself and lastly resorts to trying to hand them to Dad. I try explaining to him that pants and socks must go on first, but explanations and one year olds do not really go hand in hand.
My daughter’s winter boots were also pulled out of the wardrobe, and whilst they are in great condition, her feet decided to grow since last year (I wish they would stop doing that!). So we needed new boots for her. We went shopping and in Target she spots these hiking boots, tan in colour and with Velcro straps, none in her size so my husband desperately drove to a different Target store in search of these boots in her size. He finally finds the boots but sends us a text message advising that the boots say Boys on the label and is she sure she wants them, I asked my daughter and she immediately replied, “I love them and why shouldn’t I wear them just because they say boys”. Fair point, I figured so I texted my husband back that she wants them. Sadly my husband came back to the car without them, he said he asked in store and they said they only went to a size 12, so my daughter a size 13-1 cannot wear them. Now begins a new search for a pair of hiking boots that look the same….
Posted by lepumpkinhead, 17th June 2015
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