
9 Comment

Coming out of a domestic violence relationship, with a controlling ex that takes me to mediation every other month, refuses to pay childsupport (in thousands of debt to me!) and abuses me when csa call him.

I gave up the idea of a perfect family, a man that may actually want to support his child and be dad not an immature prick? haha

anyway, I signed up for a tafe diploma, took a few weeks and didnt hear anything, so decided to try my luck at a uni degree, 2 days later i got my acceptance letter and was enrolled! 3 months on day care lists, hundreds of dollars in daycare becuase centrelink have stuffed everything up, 4 hospital visits because of all the illnesses my daughter picked up and from the only time her dad ever had her and took her to a softball game at 9pm outside……

well today I had my first proffessional prac placement after 6 weeks at uni…. I am in love with teaching. this is what i will do, this is how i will provide for my daughter, on my own. 4 more years, and everything will be ok 🙂

Posted by taylorjane92, 5th April 2013

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  • Child Support Agency can actually take him to court for the money he owes you…or is he self-employed and saying he has partically no income becuase he is doing cash jobs. What’s more they will charge him fairly high interest on it………Child Support Agency should have the power to submit offical papaerwork to his employer if he has one.
    What is he trying to achieve by dragging you to mediation all the time. Can you have a social worker assist you?? or other Govt Dept. represent/assist you in some way. It sounds as though he is getting back at you emotionally which is actually a form of domestic abuse in some states.
    Stay strong and I hope you realise your dreams to become a teacher.


  • I sincerely hope things turn out as you planned and in 4 years you are a teacher,msupporting yourself and your daughter. I also hope your ex is a thing of the past by then too


  • Phew, sounds like you needed out of that relationship! Pity he still has to be a part of your life. You definitely seem to be doing just fine on your own. This story is over 2 years old, you’ld be close to finishing your study now. I wonder if you succeeded and you got your happy ending? I hope so


  • God Bless you!

    You are an inspiration. I truly felt connected to your story. I was In the same situation, only I have 4 daughters.

    I am now a teacher and graduated with a Masters Degree in teaching.

    Don’t give up , don’t ever give in. You have what it takes. God Bless you and your daughter. Janis


  • stories are great to read


  • Hope a year and a bit on, everything is still good.


  • It’s good that you left that abusive ex. It’s not a very good situation for anyone to be oppressed.


  • you are a strong woman. you will be fine


  • Wow – well done you! You must be so proud of yourself and your strength. Congratulations on being such a much needed positive role model for your child.


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