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A few years ago i finally finished 5 years of Uni, at the end of it i thought i would feel a sense of direction, i thought my future would be clear! It wasn’t…. i was so confused as to what avenue of my degree to take, should i work in Australia or overseas, should i have a break first or jump straight in arghhh so many decisions. I was living in WA so i thought first step would be to go back to QLD and reconnect with my family for a bit. I shipped everything over, all that was left was me and my car….. do i ship my car and fly? or … do…..i…..drive?…..: /. Everyone was telling me it was far to dangerous to do the trip alone. But whats life without a bit of risk!! This decision changed my life. I embarked on a real soul searching journey! I took my time, 2 weeks, in my little efficient peugeot diesel. I went Perth- Albany – Esperence (omg cape le grand national park is the most amazing place i have seen)- Eucla (bit scary)- Ceduna – Port Augusta – Adelaide- Mildura- Dubbo – Gold Coast. 5,210km and i would do it all again in a heartbeat!! I have never had so much time alone to think and reflect and enjoy my surroundings!! It was seriously the journey of a lifetime, i have travelled to many overseas countries and this trip across Australia remains my favourite! Once i landed in QLD i then met my husband 2 weeks later, we were engaged within 2 months, pregnant within 4 months now we are married with baby number 2 on the way! I feel like a whole new person, the trip made me feel refreshed and open to life, love and opportunity.
So moral of my story is take a risk!
Don’t be afraid to do things alone!
Sometimes the longer & harder way has the better outcome!

Posted by klee3, 7th June 2014

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  • great story to read


  • What a wonderful story you have to tell, and so pleased for you it had a wonderful start, middle and an even better ending. Good on you for taking on this wonderful journey and seeing this wonderful country of ours.


  • Wow what a fantastic little life journey you went on i think most people can only wish for that well i know i wish i could just get in my car and drive.
    So happy that you met your now hubby and life has worked out for you.
    Did you end up getting a job from working so hard and all those years at uni ??


  • What an adventure! You will always remember your wonderful drive home and the places you visited. I’m sure you weren’t expecting to meet the love of your life right on top of your amazing trip! Lovely story : )


  • Good on you Krissy! That was one hell of a journey to do, especially on your own. And I couldn’t agree more with you, that sometimes you need to take a risk and do things on your own. Years ago, I decided I wanted to leave my job and travel overseas. I wanted to visit friends in India, Pakistan, Egypt & England, and I didn’t know if I’d be away for 6 months or 6 years, as I also wanted to try working overseas. No-one I knew wanted to go to the countries I wanted to go to, nor were they in a situation to be able to pack up & go for an undefined amount of time. So I went on my own. And I had an absolute ball. I did things, and saw things, and went to places that I never dreamed of. I was in England after four months of traveling, when I was offered work in Turkey, so I went there for 12 months. Then I worked on cruise ships for a couple of years. And being on my own was the best thing about it, because it encouraged me to talk to people I didn’t know. And to this day I still keep in touch with many friends I made overseas. Doing things on your own doesn’t have to be a hindrance, on the contrary, it can be one of the most exciting things you can do.


  • That would have been a great journey and a bit of life changing and to see so many places as well . I love you came back refreshed and than life opened your new chapter


  • I love the outcome of your story. It sounds like a bit of an empowering journey you took. It’s always been my belief that with true love you just know instantly and want things with that person.


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