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Today I had an appointment with my mchn and it was my eight month old baby’s routine checkup. All went really good except one thing. She had 100% height and weight, which meant she was amongst the tallest and healthiest in her age group. But when the nurse was checking her legs and hips she noticed continuous clicking sound. She got concerned. She told me it might be hip dysplasia I started worrying. She assured me that the creases in her legs look even so it might be mild but we must get it further checked. I just remembered something, I told her that I have noticed that she dosen’t use legs much while crawling. The legs are lying long on the back and she drags herself forward using her arms and very little support from feet. I was scared, till now I was happy with it . I Even thought it might be her style of crawling but I am just sad thinking about it now. I’ve never thought of such thing happening to my kids. But than I thought no mom does. And although it’s a bad news but the good news it that it’s not confirmed yet. I have to be positive and give her extra cuddles and kisses now. And just wait. Because that’s life, u never know what the next page holds. Tomorrow is a new day! But anyone who ever is reading this story, most probably u r a mum. Or even if you aren’t I request lots of oraters for my kids and each and every child out there!
Posted anonymously, 27th May 2014
jenniw said
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mom103936 said
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