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My middle child was born we found out he had spina bifeda.

2 days later we were taken to children’s hospital and saw the spina bifeda team. At this stage we were advised about the disability, that he may never walk, go to toilet, we had to wait for 10 months for a MRI to get the full diagnosis and form off the disability he had,.

He had mycomslygasol form and tethered cord so at 13 months they operated and disconnected his spinal cord from his lump on his bottom and closed the bottom of his spine up. He also has a butterfly vertebrae. He started walking a week after surgery, he has defied the odds and is nearly 7 and now plays football.

He’s our miracle child.

Posted by mikiajai, 9th April 2014

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  • Your son is definitely a “miracle child”. It is great to hear that he is walking and playing football. Miracles do happen and we are lucky to be able to sometimes witness them.


  • Thanks for sharing your story.


  • Its stories like yours that makes my heart smile! Wonderful beating the odds. Your little footy star, beautiful xx


  • Wow. A life challenge and experience that I am sure continues to teach you new things in life everyday that before you had never been faced with or had to deal with. Keep strong and positive and congratulations to your little superstar. He sounds absolutely amazing and I wish him all the best for his future.


  • That is wonderful news that he has defied the odds, is walking, eunning about and playing football. No doubt he went through intense physiotherapy and is a very determined young lad.
    I know a young gentleman who a birth, was diagnosed with mild Cerebal Palsy. His parents were told he probably would never crawl or walk and to put him in a home for disabled. His parents said no way. I used to work with his Mother, her sister-in-law and brother-in-law so I know a fair amount of the details. He too underwent a few years of physiotherapy. He went to a Private School which was prepared to assist with disability equipment such as ramps and rails which were not at the school previously. (He is now about 40 years old). He played recreational soccer at school to try to maintain fitness and strengthen his muscles which became his main issue. He also has a speech impediment for which he had speech therapy. He had a couple of full time jobs after he left school, one of them driving a forklift which he loved.
    He goes cycling with his brother-in-law who was in the same Dept with me and pretty fit who reckoned a long time ago that he had trouble keeping up with him. He was initially asked to join the Paralympic Cycling Team He didn’t manage to win any medals but we are all proud of his achievements. One day during a break he started kicking a soccer ball around aware that he was being watched. He was approached and then joined their Soccer Team and went overseas with them. He nows runs a “homemade” Pizza Bar and apparently trade is brisk.

    • Another beautiful story – even though they fight all the battles they survived and continued with what life throws at them..beautiful story – thanks for sharing 🙂

      • Thanks for the wonderful story, it makes me not scared that he will achieve good things in life and go far, I have huge faith in him and don’t let him think he’s any different to any other child out there, not to use his disability as an excuse not that we have ever let him know how bad it could have been, as he gets older I will explain to him how bad it was and how he has beat the odds and become the great boy due to his strength and our encouragement.


  • He brings me joy every day and amazes me with everything he achieves, especially things they never said he would do, it was very scary but it made us stronger, thanks for all the beautiful messages xx


  • Wow, beautiful read. Brought tears to my eyes. All the best in the future x


  • love the stories with happy ending….inspires me each time i read it


  • That is amazing! you never lost hope in your son 🙂


  • That’s beautiful 🙂


  • Wow! How nice to hear a miracle story like that. It must make you appreciate the life he now has so much more knowing what the original prognosis was! Medical specialist can do the most amazing life changing things nowadays.


  • How proud you must be of him and what he has achieved. And he would never have managed this without your love and support. Thank you for sharing your inspirational story.


  • So inspiring, I imagine he is a special person who is loved by all who meets him. It is so great that they could operate and bridge the gap. I have nursed spina bifeda with hydrocephalus children in hospital but they were not as fortunate as your boy. I wish you and your family happiness.


  • What a amazing child you have there, may his story challenge people to live life to their fullness


  • WOW i love hearing stories like this, what a little miracle 🙂


  • That’s such an inspiring story 🙂
    I am helping a lady at the moment. She has spina bifida and she is learning to walk on crutches. She cannot feel her feet, but she is out there walking anyway. She plans on doing a 2km walking marathon to raise money for this condition.
    So good to hear stories like this 🙂


  • Beautiful story. Your son is a miracle.


  • What A touching story, thanks for sharing.


  • Thanks everyone he scored 2 tries and a goal at footy this last weekend gone, never give up, what you put in, it repays you with such great milestones, he lifts me up everyday watching him achieve things they never said he would.


  • what a wonderful uplifting story,so glad when people can defy the odds and the doctors!


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