
71 Comment

My middle child was born we found out he had spina bifeda.

2 days later we were taken to children’s hospital and saw the spina bifeda team. At this stage we were advised about the disability, that he may never walk, go to toilet, we had to wait for 10 months for a MRI to get the full diagnosis and form off the disability he had,.

He had mycomslygasol form and tethered cord so at 13 months they operated and disconnected his spinal cord from his lump on his bottom and closed the bottom of his spine up. He also has a butterfly vertebrae. He started walking a week after surgery, he has defied the odds and is nearly 7 and now plays football.

He’s our miracle child.

Posted by mikiajai, 9th April 2014

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  • Thanks do much for the lovely replies it’s so nice to have some support and good to hear that he’s not the only one to do better than what doctors say.


  • wow this really warmed my heart as i had a cousin born with a the worst sina befeda and I can remember when I was 7 we all went up to see Kate and we stay as she was blessed and christined there and then as the doctors said there was no way she would make it through the night. She died last year aged 40 she was always wheel chair bound but still lived her life to the fullest so your story really touched my heart and I am so glad for all the things your son has accomplished. I also have no doubt it was also alot of work you did with him as well so well done to you as well


  • That is such a heartwarming story. I’m lost for words. What an amazing strong little boy you have 🙂


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