
8 Comment

Ok, after reading an article on reading difficulties it brought back some memories of my own and how I wish for my children this time, not take after their mother.

I struggled with reading all through school. The whole subject English intimidated me. Give me a Maths question no worries but English, I just couldn’t get my head around it. I was always a C- student. I was that student that had my heart beating a hundred miles, praying the teacher wouldn’t ask me to read aloud. It was horrible. I graduated high school & was thrilled at the concept of no more English classes.

I read to my children daily, as we have a stock pile of books for them. But it occurred to me last week, that my daughter who is due to start school next year has never been inside a library. The guilt flooded me. Was I setting her up for the same problems as I encountered?

So off we went on our adventure. I was ashamed to ask the librarian, how do I join? Can I? It had been about 15 years since I’d been to one of these places.. But, honestly the librarian was so helpful, excited & thrilled that I was joining. Miss four got her own card, we were advised of the Pre-schoolers events they conduct and I am amazed at the facilities. We each got a new library bag and it feels good. I’ve learnt as a mum, if you’re excited & show interest, children will follow.

It’s early days but I am determined to help my children in any way I can with their learning & education, even if it means stepping into one of the most daunting territories of my own.

Posted by zara ballet, 21st April 2013

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  • We are so lucky with how amazing local libraries are now. Rhyme time is such a beautiful staple for bub and I.


  • My son too struggled with English at school, no problem with any other subject. He finished year 10 with D grade 🙁 Then he did year 11 and 12 at home and his English grades soared! He finished year 12 with the highest grade possible to get. Makes me wish we had him home schooled all along!


  • Sometimes we find the most amazing experiences when we step out of their comfort zone.


  • Library’s offer so much more than just books now


  • nice story


  • Libraries and librarians are wonderful.


  • What a strong role model you are for your children.


  • Mostly children follow what their parents did. My little one love go to the library too.


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