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It’s been 2 years since I lost my beautiful mum to pancreatic cancer.

God decided to open his gates and take my mum suddenly from me and my family and it was very hard for me to let her go I was very close to my mum she was everything to me and life today is very hard without her, I’m still crying everyday and feel depress well let’s just say I’m not the girl I use to be.

I’m also a mother to 4 kids and my oldest daughter who is 14yrs old tells me everyday that she is worried about me, I don’t go out anymore and just stay home crying and talking to my mum and hoping someday I can get better.

I live in Qld and my mums resting place is in Sydney and it’s tearing me apart being so far away from her and visiting her and I just want my mum back but I know it’s never going to happen, has anybody else going through what I’m going through at the moment and will my pain ever go away.

Posted by dearest mom, 21st April 2014

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  • Sorry for your lose hun. My grandfather died 15 years ago next month and its still hard. I was 11 at the time. He missed me and my siblings growing up. My children, nieces and nephew will never meet him. It is never forgotten. You will always remember but it does get easier over time. Just know that you have memories that you will always remember


  • My mum passed over 18 yrs ago, i was still at teen. Those mothers days and christmas’s can be really hard especially for the first 10 yrs. Although I miss her like crazy and she never got to meet her only grandchild, thinks can get really hard. But I always try to stay positive and point out the things she would of been proud of. grieving takes time. I try to visit my mums grave once a year on her birthday and tell her all about how my life is, it seems to make me feel better for a while. im thinking of seeing a medium to see if I can get some closure that she is still around me somewhere, to know that would make a difference for me.


  • I’m so sorry for your loss. Have you considered visiting a medium? A true medium will be able to help your mother communicate with you. Though, I’m sure her spirit is with you always, so you would be able to commune with her despite her resting place being so far.


  • Although I have not lost either of my parents (yet) I lost my beloved nana (who was my 2nd mum) a few years back and I still think of her everyday and miss her. Try to focus on the happy memories?

    Hugs x


  • I was 11 wen my dad died it’s been 13 yrs this yr it doesn’t get easier at all 🙁 sorry for ur loss


  • It has been 8 years since I lost my beautiful mum and I don’t think time has healed the pain…it is still there. I just live to make my mum proud now. Some days that is much easier than others. I know it changed me as a person but I have had to learn to live with who I am now. Not a day goes by that I don’t wish she was here to ask a question or tell something to. We were best friends as well as mother and daughter and had been through so much together. I honestly didn’t think I was going to be able to live without her. But I think they give us strength to keep going. The other day my 4 year old son was looking at two photos of my mum. One when she was very young and one when she was middle-aged (she was only 54 when she died from Cancer). He asked me which one was my mum and which one was his Nanna. I tried to explain to him that they were both photos of my mum and both photos of his Nanna. He repeated the question and when I responded with the same answer he said “No mum, that’s not fair, you cant have both!”. My mum would have thought that was hilarious. Her family was everything to her and I thank her everyday for everything she did for me. Keep strong. Your mum will give you strength.


  • first of all let me say I truly feel for you and your for beautiful children. I also lost my mum to cancer she had it for eight years and never told any of the family and didn’t want us to feel bad for her she was very strong and independent woman. I only found out two weeks before she was in a hospice it’s so saddens me as I wish I could have been there to support her and do things for her I truly do miss my mum also. when my mum passed away I felt such sadness and depression but I also felt her spirit next to me which gave me some comfort I totally understand how you must be grieving but let me reassure you sure that things do get better but you have to want to help it along also I’m sure your mother was a beautiful woman and she would not want to see you in this state. I understand that it’s a process in life to lose someone so close and Dear to you sure as hard as it is you must be strong because you have your children to think of also and they love you so very much and wouldn’t want to see you sure like this as it will definitely have an effect on the children. if you’re feeling depressed and don’t go out maybe you should think of some counselling to help you sure there such things as grieving counselling God bless maybe Angels above watch over you and protect you and your family xx


  • In so sorry to hear about your loss, but I do have the sme feelings you have but it hasn’t quiet been 12 months since I lost my dad to the same horrible disease, we we’re lucky enough to have moved dad in with us for the last 7 weeks of his life, which was very tough as with 3 kids and a husband who worked away, watching him deteriate befor our eyes and also explaining gramps was very sick to my children made it hard for me to grieve and express how I was feeling, I know your pain al so much, I have so many days I feel I just don’t want to get out of bed, but knowing he is always with me keeps me battling on and knowing how proud and how much he loved me makes me strive to get up and raise my beautiful children who he cherished dearly.
    I know your mums resting place is so far, why don’t you make a special place somewhere in your home as I have and make a little memory corner for her, I have a beautiful candle with a loving message on it, a dad plaque and his photo and when I’m feeling down I look at it and remember the good times.
    Unfortunately that cancer is the most aggressive cancer and quickest killing cancer around,, I don’t think the pain will ever go away but you just learn to deal with it better.
    I wish everyday heaven had a phone as just one last talk would be great but I know he’s out of pain and always there to listen.
    She will be by your side with everything you do. I had my cards reads not long after dad passed , I usually have a reading every 6 months dad used to laugh at me and tell me I was wasting my money but he came through very clear and that helped me express my grief and made me more aware that he’s always listening, so when you are feeling down grab a cuppa and have a chat, it may help.
    My 7 year old tells me often he visits to see how he is. I’ve had a very clear visit in my dreams as well.
    Good luck and hope this helps you feel some ease. It’s not easy losing someone we love and cherish so much. My dad was my rock, my world and my best friend, I miss him everyday and still even pick the phone up to call him and think how silly of me .


  • My Dad passed away four years ago and I do still miss him. As soon as we walked into the Crematorium my mother burst into tears and cried all the way through the service. She keeps herself busy these days but she also tells us that Dad is still there with her guiding her. She keeps to her routine every day and keeps her interests such as pottering around in the garden .When my grandmother was alive she told my mother once that life still goes on. Mum has done this, but as I said she knows Dad is always with her.


  • My heart goes out to you. My dad passed away almost 3.5 years ago and it still hurts like it was yesterday. If your daughter is worried about you though, maybe consider a grief counsellor.


  • it is very hard to lose some one close to you, and we all grieve differently, I think you should see your gp, if your 14yr old is worried about you then its going to affect her, maybe take a trip to sydney every year to see your mum and keep a diary of all the things you want to say to her, but just remember you are a mum and your kids need you best of luck xxx


  • It must be very hard for you. But I’m sure she is in good place now. Wherever she is she is still looking after you. Be strong for your children. It’s not easy, but God will help and guide you.


  • I think that it’s up to you how long it takes for you to grieve. With someone who is so close to you it might take years for you to grieve because honestly I don’t think you ever really do get over it. You do what you need to do & don’t let anybody tell you any different. God bless xx


  • I lost my mum when I was 10 that was 23 yrs ago and I still find it very hard sending big hugs


  • hello ,I just want you to know its normal to feel like you are ,,I lost my mum four years ago to cancer to,i didn’t think I was going to get thru it,but I also have two older children and grandkids,my mum was my rock if ever I needed advice I could just pick up the phone and call her ,but now ive had to live with out the fact I cant call her …but the one thing I do know is my kids would be missing her to so ive focused on spending time with them …sadly six months ago I lost my dad so my life had turned completely up side down I was our dads full time carer and it was hard …and im in counciling now but im getting there ,the one thing my mother and your mother would be saying is please don’t sit around wasting precious time enjoy the times with your kids and smile knowing I love you and we will meet up again but for now its time to make happy memories with your family …theses are the words that I often read to keep me going when im feeling down …I wish you all the best if you ever want to chat look me up on facebook …thanks Kerry eastham


  • off course you will get better, that’s what nature is. you have to live and that too fully and happily for your kids. you still have a purpose in life, if not as a daughter than as a mum. all u can do for ur mum is pray for her and it will give you power. and all u can do with your kids is play with them and it will give you peace hopefully 🙂


  • I am so sorry for your loss, I can only imagine how you feel. It may be worth talking to your gp to see what they can suggest to help. Grieving is a normal process and its good to let it out rather then bottle it up x x


  • Sorry to hear, always sad loosing anyone close to you, i lost my best friend 2 years ago she was only 30, i wish she was still here


  • Yes, my Mum passed away 3 years ago on 4 March (aged 70) and she was unwell for 8 years on and off and suffered a lot over that time and I still feel lost without her! Time does heal a bit over time when I talk to my kids and remember all the good times that we had with my beloved Mum and their Nana. So I know it is good to be always talking about her and how much we loved her and the things my Mum would have been proud about her grand kids and stories she was always telling me about her childhood and that type of thing.

    It is very hard but you do need to get on with your life and do things with your kids outside the house and when you are doing things with your kids and family you could say things like “Your Nana would have like that or liked that” and so forth. Your Mum will never leave your heart and will always be with you but you can start doing things and not feel guilty about it and that type of thing.

    I never thought after my Mum passed away that I could keep going but I did. Actually at the time it happened we were getting ready for a Twilight Festival at School and if I didn’t keep on with what I was doing I would have gone around the twist! The fair actually helped me get distracted so I wasn’t at home all the time crying and just becoming a mess.

    I will never forget my Mum but I have the loving support of my husband and kids to keep me going. They are my world and I am sure (even know I aren’t religious) that my Mum is looking down on us and smiling!!


  • I feel your pain, its been 13 years since i lost my mum with the same thing. Hold on to the memories close to your heart and know your mum is always with you.


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