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It’s been 2 years since I lost my beautiful mum to pancreatic cancer.

God decided to open his gates and take my mum suddenly from me and my family and it was very hard for me to let her go I was very close to my mum she was everything to me and life today is very hard without her, I’m still crying everyday and feel depress well let’s just say I’m not the girl I use to be.

I’m also a mother to 4 kids and my oldest daughter who is 14yrs old tells me everyday that she is worried about me, I don’t go out anymore and just stay home crying and talking to my mum and hoping someday I can get better.

I live in Qld and my mums resting place is in Sydney and it’s tearing me apart being so far away from her and visiting her and I just want my mum back but I know it’s never going to happen, has anybody else going through what I’m going through at the moment and will my pain ever go away.

Posted by dearest mom, 21st April 2014

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  • My dear Dad passed away on Christmas Day 2000 & I thought I would never be able to enjoy Christmas ever again, but over time the grief gets less & I now share the beautiful memories of a Dad that loved his family. I know celebrate Christmas’s just as he had always done for us & I still feel he is watching over us


  • Both comments have good suggestions, have a chat to your doctor, he will be able to advise you. Your children need you to be functioning as best as you can, so use this to motivate you when you are feeling down. It is ok to have your bad moments. My dear mum was only 59 when I lost her and so she and my darling dad never got to see their grandkids. Not having a mother to fall back on for advice when our kids were small was hard but I would think back to how when we were kids and what Mum would have done. Our children have grown up without grandparents but we often talk about them to them. I lost my sister at age 19. Yes life is tough but you are strong and you have a beautiful daughter and 3 other kids to love and look after. Think of how proud your mum would be of them and Smile!


  • I am so sorry for your loss of your Mum. I lost my Dad to cancer 16 years ago and he was only 65 years old. i miss him to this day and still have moments where I go to ring to speak to him. I live in a land called denile and would have to say I have never really really dealt with it as I stay to be the strong one at the time for my Mum and kids but I have also never been to his grave since the day he was put in as I never want to see the grass grown over it. I know my Mum does not have forever any more as she has Cancer and her plot is reserved beside my Dad’s so I am getting concerned as to if I can keep it together after my Mum passes or if both will hit me like a brick wall. I dread to think. Everybody grieves in their own way and there is no set time limit, but I know every birthday of my Grandson and Grandaughter whom were born with their angel wings I break down and cry my eyes out and the same as when I hear any of the songs that was played at their funerals. Cody would have been 5 this year on Feb 24th he was born the day before my birthday so I no longer celebrate my birthday with my kids any more as I am always in tears. I hope you will one day get to the place where you can function a bit better as in going out ect.


  • Im so sorry for your loss
    Ive just lost my Dad in Jan to liver cancer
    nearly lost my mum to breast cancer in 2010
    lost my nanna and pop in 2011 from cancer
    and am 11 days out from having my preventive mastectomy surgery to prevent cancer
    Ive been an emotional rollercoaster. I am sending you so much love, strength and hugs at this hard time in your life
    I believe the pain never goes away but you learn to deal with it in a positive way
    Go see someone, its always really good for your mind and body to get everything out and then have someone teach you how to deal with it all
    Your kids need you and you need to learn how to live with your loss
    its so heartbreaking hun
    I really feel for you


  • Oh hun it sounds like you need some help. Talk to your GP about how you are feeling. He/she can suggest someone you can talk to to help you. There’s also griefline1300 845 745. The pain will ease in time & with support it will be easier. You will always miss your mother and sometimes will be harder than others but things can and will get better.


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