

Thanks MoM for another wonderful month of content on this terrific site. Loving the new and interesting features.

Posted anonymously, 1st July 2016

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  • It is a fantastic site,thanks mouthsofmums!


  • What new features have you found? is there a list? I’ve also found it slow at times but don’t know why.. and a few weeks ago the whole page ‘falls apart’ with the adverts floating across but thankfully that seems to have stopped now!

    • At the moment part of the time I am having a problem with the advertisement that goes across the page above the login. It doesn’t block the who page when I am trying to log in, the “boxes” you use to do so disappear off the screen. The ad has a “lolly”pink background.


  • I’ve been finding the site a bit slw, though.

    • I just assumed it was a lot of people accessing the site?


  • I love this site. Thank you Mom team


  • I am still getting use to the new features.. Love the site …

    • Enjoying the Rate section and discovering new products and coming across some favourites.


  • It’s always a pleasure to come to this comm. There is space for so many different subjects. Something for everyone! :-) Thank you from me too!!


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