Someone rightly said “Ignorance is Bliss “but I say not always. Knowing the realities and not dealing with it just to avoid the circumstances serves to give momentary solution. But deep down inside it keeps creating a house of its own which I call “The Dark House”. People always try to course away from reality because they are very content in their own world of fantasy. This class of the silent majority usually develops some kind of anxiety within them to surface the future. They don’t want to accept the fact even after knowing the truth. They are always pleased with the present-day and with the way it’s working. But what they fail to recognize is the trouble they are going to cause themselves and also their treasured ones. I also come to an understanding that it does serve to be very convenient now and then. My own experience speaks out to me by providing the benefits of not wasting my precious time on unnecessary gossips, family trauma, dirty politics etc. But on the verge of saving my time or keeping myself happy I miss the mark to spot what points to ignore and what not. I fail to understand the feelings of my friends or my beloved ones and end up ignoring them. This definitely has filled in my dark side.
“Perfectionism is a virtue to be extolled definitely,” said Prem Fry, “But beyond a certain threshold, it backfires and becomes an impediment,” she said. I agree to this completely because today’s world is just following a race of life to attain the unachievable goal. Everybody on this earth is not completely pristine in fact nobody is. Each one of them has their black bag filled with one or the other trouble. Being perfect can prove to be very chancy sometimes. We all know the plus points of being flawless. Folks strive for their best in work, try to ace exams, get meticulous at their jobs, want to live the luxurious life, want to raise perfect children etc. They want to be finest in everything just to achieve the eminence. But along this flight personalities develop hatred among their own mates who bring hitches along their path, it adds to their mental pressure, creates resistance among them to ask help for the fear of revealing one’s truth. Even I am a prey to this ride of perfectionism.
“”I have done that,” says my memory. “I cannot have done that” — says my pride, and remains adamant. At last — memory yields.” People know what they are doing is incorrect, it is hurting someone’s feelings but do they discontinue doing it?? The answer is a big “NO”. They just can’t stop being adamant for the fact they believe in their own principles. They just don’t want to cross their territory of rules. This category of individuals is usually very difficult to be convinced over any matter. In the process of holding onto to beliefs, one starts trusting they are right but in reality it ends up in fights, break ups etc. But on the other hand being stubborn aids in many situations. One might ponder how that is possible!! Being adamant helps in holding onto to your thoughts and fulfilling it, makes one think positive of achieving the goal, makes one very dominant and hence become very commendable etc. So as per my thoughts being adamant helps you at certain times and also breaks you at other times. It’s all about acting as per circumstances. Are you adamant?? Are you stubborn to prove to your point??? Is being adamant filling in your dark side or bright side?? Think for yourself.
People say I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear. They believe love is perpetual. Love is one of the supreme emotion or feelings expressed to any accidental person you meet in your voyage of life. There’s never a right time to fall in love, one can never foresee the precise time, and you never know when the cupid is going to airstrike you with the arrow of love. Love is always the outcome of appreciating another’s goodness. But it’s always better to give emphasis only to the good not on the bad. Everyone on this earth gets the privilege to feel love at any point in their life. In fact love is far and wide. It’s like living on the cloud nine. But have you ever thought of “Love” filling in your dark side. One fails to realize that love can become fever; the thirst for it never ends. It creates possessiveness, attachments increase and that makes you forget you’re ignoring the surrounding completely all you can think is LOVE. Also one might be the victim of one way love, compelling the other one into relation. This is quite risky because at all times it fallouts only to frustration. Many believe love stories are only in books. Only 10% of public on this sphere get their love of life whereas the rest just get the flavor of it. In spite of all these shortcomings does anyone stop loving?? NO…. Love does not happen by choice. Love is your Fate. Being in love makes you start overlooking the other’s bad conducts and makes you live for others.
The happiest man is he who knows how to bring into relation the end and beginning of his life. Every relation requires a lot of effort and patience to blossom. There are numerous kinds of relations which vary from family, friendship, marriage, relation with colleagues, clubs, neighborhoods etc.
In broad-spectrum, every little thing has plus and minus of its own. It’s up to us to avoid picking up the dark side and always make the best choice and lead a blissful life. The thoughts written above are just expressions of my thoughts and not to cause offense to anyone.
Posted by mom462135, 5th January 2021
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