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My son has always been difficult. A LOT harder to raise than my daughter was, not to mention that they are a full 8 years apart from one another, so in many ways it feels like I am doing it from scratch. (It is really hard to go from having an 8 year old who is toilet trained, can run a shower, make school lunches and do housework to a baby who cannot do anything for themselves and having to get up multiple times a night).
Anyway, my daughter was 12 months when she migrated permanently from bottles to a sippy cup, no trouble, no looking back.
Before my son turned one, we tried introducing the sippy cup slowly, we were met with screaming, tantrums and refusal. We decided that maybe the soft spout was not to his liking so we bought one with a hard spout. Same thing.
We bought a sippy cup with a hard spout with no handles, we bought a sippy cup with a soft spout with no handles. This kid just was not playing ball.
We tried giving him his milk in the sippy cup for his morning feed, and bottles for the others. We tried giving him the sippy cup for all feeds. We tried just giving him water in the sippy cup. Nothing. I could not understand why he was making this so difficult when his sister took a sippy cup so easily and on top of that was not fussy about the sippy cup I gave her.
Anyway, skip to two weeks ago (my son is now 15 months old, we have been trying to convert him for 7 months). I had gotten my son lunch, he was in the highchair eating it and his sister was helping while I was getting her lunch. I come back in with her lunch in my hand, and there she is giving him water from her normal cup. He was loving it. I just could not believe it. Here was my difficult child drinking from a normal cup when he did not want a bar of a sippy cup.
Upon asking, my daughter has been letting him drink from her cup for roughly 6 months or so. So we bought him a cup. Which is great around the house, but not so good if we are out. Then we found the Avent natural drinking cup. Such a godsend!!
Posted by lepumpkinhead, 21st May 2015
christial said
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- 21 May 2015
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