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the first kid in my house has recently started school. she has always been very bright and demanding. demanding more of my attention, time, energy and love. she was a very early walker and talker, she started sitting at only 5 months, my other two sat at 8. she is exceptional at everything. Not like an average kid (don’t mind i have 2 average kids too 🙂 ) also she was a big cry baby, right from the start. So when we went to her entry test, i knew what to expect. In almost 60 children, she was the only one crying. i tried to comfort her but i knew it wont make much difference. many mums asked me if she ever went to kinder and i said yes, for a year and a bit of crying every single time. it did got better in the mid of the year but got worst at the end. But it ended. now i knew the school has started and will take a really long time ending. so it will be a struggle.i read many articles regarding to beating school blues but i also knew they are for most kids, not all. i even tried them practically, leaving very quickly after dropping her in class. didnt worked for me. i even hid behing a wall and watched as she was taken to office crying. i decided to go after her the first day. as soon as i knocked the door a worker came out and told me to leave, and that they can handle it. i came back feeling guilty but today i m happy i did. Me there would just make it worst at the time. so i started talking to her alot about it at home. kept telling her getting all nice n ready early in the morning is so neat and playing and learning new things in the class is fun.Now she has always loved the idea of learning. and she is getting better at school, she is excellent at learning her lesson. only going their is hard for her. but the biggest thing that has helped her is a hug from mum, and than mum leaving quickly. so my advice is to not to forget to hug your child there and than leave very quickly after dropping than off from school.

Posted anonymously, 27th February 2014

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  • Good idea talking to her about it so she knows what to expect.


  • i always give my daughter a hug before leaving


  • My daughter practices this when she drops my grand daughter off. She doesn’t make a big deal about leaving her (she is just two) with us for a few hours – gives her a hugs, say goodbye and then goes. She is much better now and getting used to it.


  • i worried so much when my baby boy started school ..


  • yeah would be hard, gonna be scary my daughters fisrt day


  • however i am definitely worried now about my daughter going to school in the future


  • A hug might sound something small but it does help a lot with emotional and mental support. I must remember this and give my baby as much love as I could! Thanks for sharing


  • As hard as it is for them it is harder for you – they get distracted very quickly while you spend all day thinking about it. Don’t forget to give yourself a hug too – you deserve it.


  • Agreed. My first child was a timid shy little girl and I wanted to stay and the teacher kicked my out 🙁 I cried all the way home. My second was a lot better because I knew the process and he was very ready to go. My third starts next year and she is a mini tornado lol. I’m sure she will be excited and ready but I don’t know how I will go but I have learned to just drop them off, kiss and wave goodbye and leave. Thankfully this one will have her siblings to help her settle in.


  • I also found standing in the same spot every afternoon at pick up time was very reassuring for my son when he started.


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