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Dad has died the date is 29 th sep he had only turned 60 on the 23 rd of June that year 1999..wow
Christmas. 1999 mum has a boy friend good for her. She is caring on like a really naughty 16 year old. It’s really embarrassing. Need to speak too her…
I decide to invite her out for the weekend. And I am taking to my hair dressier to have her hair done ..
Omg she is telling my hair dresser all about her sex life her new boy friend and how he uses oil and feathers. Wtf is that all about .. Please mum this is rather embarrassing .. Oh they say stop being a prude omg…
My hair dresser says to me don,t I want my mother to be happy … Well yes I do ,but some things need to stay at home … Oh don,t be silly if your happy and you should share … Yes well sorry but I think a bit different ..
When we get back to my place I have a talk to mum about her having a shower with her boyfriend when my hubby and me where staying and the way she was talking at the hair dressiers not good. .. My mother woman where looking and not good looks … Okay. It really was very tacky .. Oh she screams at me that I,m Jellious..
That’s one thing I,m not. ,I have an amazing hubby … Yeah right. He is not a hubby he is your lap toy that’s all .. Okay if that’s what you think ..,she was really screaming at me .. I asked if she wanted to talk instead of screaming … No she was leaving she was staying where she was no respected ,,, fine we’ll you got that right … She left .. That was 14 years ago …
Mum ended up moving in with her boy friend she sold her house here in Sydney and off she went to the country to a place called Delegate down on the vic border .. Yep bye mum…
Mum died late last year. She left a beautiful letter letting me know how she hated me so ..
She left everything to my sister .. I was not to be given a cent. No one red cent …
Find I do not need it .. I was to be given all my gifts back. . Well that was not going to happen
My sister said how was she to know I gave certain things to mum…
No find.. What ever I gave them to her. And if they mean that much to you keep them. Bye ..
I have four real sisters. And people ask how many. I say one ,, as my other two I have not heard from in 15 years now. My sister let me know ,while I was in rehab for a knee replacement that mum died …
And when dad died mum had him cremated his ashes where scattered over a pond in Sydney .. I had been going in there for 14 years. Every year. Now my sister and her letter state my dad was never put there she scattered him under the lemon tree then sold the house .. No marker no nothing .. She scattered him over the place they buried the dog … Omg my father was thrown away like rubbish. Omg … She state. Every year on dads birthday she would smile. She is making the trip again…
It was her way of paying me back for not liking lorry .. Well the man smelt of stale smoke .. And always had a beer in his hand .. When your married like I am to a not drinker. And dad was a none drinker it was very hard to take … My mother was a beautiful woman. Dad never let her go without .. Towards the end she was a puss pot .. What’s really said she had three great grand children on my side. She never meet not one .. She was not interested .. She had been told. About them.by my Aunty. And my aunty said to me one day. A shorty that went like this… Mum. So have you seen Elizabeth. Oh yes. .. I bet she misses me … My aunt. Oh I don,t know she is to busy with her grand kids. They are her sunshine .. She loves those kids spends heaps of time with those kids. Nothing is to much trouble .. I think she is a better grand mother than she was a parent .. Maybe because she is more grown up … ..mum. …. But does she ever ask about me … My aunt no never …
My aunt was in the middle so I never asked … When mum was sick and dying I never contacted her .. For different reasons. .. Life is to short … Mum is gone now. .. She died hating me . I do not care .. Because I remember her saying to me. Remember anything can have a litter that does not make it a good mother… A mother protects and loves her children above all else ..,she taught me that when my daughter was born .35 years ago. I remember it … My family come first above all else ..and yes my grand children come first .. My grand son to my son is autistic. Not really bad. But bad enough he needs a special class .. My grand daughter that’s 9 is a diabetic. ,, and has a pump .. And my daughter. Four was born with out a bottom .. So her reconstruction is not doing what they thought so they are going to be putting a bag on her in April she will be four in June .. Her bag is for life .. We got a new grand so. On the 23 rd dec .. He is fine at the moment. We will see… No my grand kids are not perfect. Each one has a little dent. But I love them all very dearly ..
Life can be cruel but you need to look through it and find your happiness
Do not get me wrong I have cried and cried over dad and what she has done … I can. Not change it .. But why did she hate me so. …I will never understand. And hate me she did ,..
Posted by liz007, 21st March 2015
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