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I have a 6 year old boy who loves going to the library to join in pantomimes and attending live shows and theatre. Nothing wrong so far, in fact I think it’s great I don’t have to spend all day standing on a cricket pitch slow roasting, but what’s the go with the merchandise stands. Recently we attended Disney On Ice at Boondall Entertainment Centre. The price of the tickets was reasonable but the $12.00 parking was the first sting then upon entering the venue you are practically slapped in the face by merchandise stand after merchandise stand all selling the same overpriced crap. One plastic sword with a Peter Pan sticker on it was $25.00, no flashing lights no sound just a boring plastic sword. Extra merchandise came out at interval too in case any parent had some savings left on their eftpos card that were equally as crappy and expensive. My son was as dazzled by the Disney logos as all the other kids but I refused to buy anything and told him that I was going home if there was going to be an impromptu act in the lobby involving me as the villain. He didn’t argue and asked for a drink instead. I thought ok a drink no problem and had $5.00 in my hand but the Tinkerbell cup that had ice (that’s right frozen free water) with a dash of cordial colouring poured over the top was $16.00. Is it a cocktail, is there real fairy dust in it? Unfortunately all theatre and even the Council Libraries seem to be following suit and parents like me have to be the baddy at every event they take their child to or take out a second mortgage to buy a piece of plastic that after being played with for two minutes will be added to landfill.
Posted by mom118467, 2nd March 2015
mom81879 said
- 26 Sep 2015
jenniw said
- 09 Mar 2015
pakeko said
- 05 Mar 2015
kelc said
- 04 Mar 2015
mom94125 said
- 04 Mar 2015
mom93821 replied
- 05 Mar 2015 , 6:33 am
mom93821 said
- 04 Mar 2015
BellaB said
- 03 Mar 2015
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