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When I was 17 I was told I would not be able to have a child. That I was infertile. It was over. NADA. Game OVER. This was by the ultrasound technician doing a pelvic (external) scan and I cried for weeks. I always was motherly, and it never figured in my life that I would not be able to have a child. What man would want me? Why would I want me?
I finally saw my gynaecologist who told me I had something called Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS). Back then it was something no one really knew anything about. All I knew was I had it. She told me I wasn’t infertile but that I had “fertility issues”. I knew getting pregnant was going to be hard, and chances of an accidental conception were unlikely. Irregular periods and short cycles meant I had very little hope of doing this pregnancy thing on my own.
13 years later and there were leaps and bounds in the world of PCOS. Women knew about it. Doctors knew about it. Research was being done into it – and there was finally some answers as to why women have it. So I worked hard. Changed my diet, went on medication and exercised, and I still did not get a regular period. I had surgery – and 2 years later I had a semi-regular cycle.
At 33 my husband and I decided it was time to go and see the doctor about TTC : Trying to conceive our first. I was older, with a fertility issue and no idea if I could ever have a baby. New terms abounded in this world of fertility medicine. AF, TTC, POAS, PUPO.. the list went on. For two weeks I injected myself with hormones, went in for internal “dildocam” ultrasounds, to find out if and when we could do an IUI (or turkey basting!). My first two cycles were shocking. Both were negative and I was a hormonal wreck. Angry that I couldn’t just do the deed and get pregnant I had enough and took a break. I did a detox and went back for round 3. Injections started on my 34th birthday – and my body responded properly this time. It seemed so different and I tried not to get as caught up in the process. 13 days after my IUI, I woke at 4am., and I could not wait any longer, I took my test (first time I used a pregnancy test) and waited for those lines to show up! It worked! I had two lines!!! It was weak but it was there. I was ecstatic, and I could not believe it!! The fear did not stop there, bleeding in pregnancy and being an older mum always worried me. But on the 3rd April my beautiful little boy was born. I feel so blessed and awed I get to be his mum. Truly the best blessing in the world.
Posted by simone_spark, 10th April 2013
mom81879 said
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mom103936 said
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mom113055 said
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- 02 Jan 2015
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