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I am the proud mummy of three beautiful children, and since the birth of my youngest (she is now 8 weeks old), I would really like to get back into exercising and try to regain some form of a figure (currently, I am a bit more jiggly than I would like!). The only problem is that being a full time Mummy to a 3 year old, a 1.5 year old and a baby, my time and energy levels are somewhat random. Does anyone out there have any suggestions for exercise that can be done at home (our routines at the moment are a bit all over the place, so I’m not able to join a gym or exercise class), are fun, don’t take too long (i.e. not a couple of hours per day: I just don’t have the free time), and are effective at shedding the kilos and toning up the body? Thanks in advance!

Posted by Sylverflame, 22nd September 2014

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  • nice story to have a read


  • I am doing a 30 day 2000 squat challenge which was crazy sounding at first since I’m bad a squats or rather was now i find them easy. Each day i cross off how many i did to keep track and i use the day of the month to stay on track as well. Then i added girly push ups the following month and next month I’m adding crunches. After that my goal is to do pushups from my toes instead of my knees. My partner also helps by doing it with me. The main thing to remember is its not 1 big go to do the days amount you gotta break it up into 3 or 4 goes over 30-60mins or even half in the morning half in the evening.


  • I’m trying to get motivated to exercising again since my son was born.


  • Also maybe get some Yoga or Tae Bo discs you can do at home? kids might even join in on it with you lol 🙂


  • Try high intensity training, you can do this at 5-10 minute intervals, try to manage to get 3-5 in a day you should start seeing results after a few weeks.. Burpees, squats, a 15minute run – Just get your heart rate up! change little things on shopping trips, like parking further away, stairs instead of escalators etc will help too 🙂 Good luck


  • Pintrest hun. They have mummy work outs on there I have three little ones and now back at work . And I found a few on there that have helped me out alot 🙂


  • Walking really is a great exercise. With nicer weather coming, putting the little one in the pram and walking to your local park, beach etc would be fun for the older children too and get you all out of the house together. If you have an exercise bike or treadmill, even short bursts of 5 or 10 mins a few times a day builds up and keeps your metabolism going.


  • Even 5 minute blocks here and there can help. Try body weight exercises like squats and lunges. Turn from side to side for obliques. Lie down if you can for some ab work (even while playing with bub on the floor. Tricep dips on a chair. A lot of leg work you can still do while holding bub.


  • Put on some music and dance strenuously with your kids. It’s great fun and great exercise. You could also try pilates/yoga – you can get some routines online. My kids love doing the stretching with me.


  • I found going out for walks with my children everyday helped me so much.
    I also had to watch the junk food i was eating as i was so busy sorting my children out sometimes i forgot to eat breakfast or lunch so would either go without or eat a chocolate bar or a bag of chips.
    Good luck hope you can get into some sort of routine soon and get the extra weight off 🙂


  • I found that walking whenever I could – especially pushing a pram – was really good during the “hard to fit it in” stage. It was a really good way of gently rebuilding my fitness.


  • I used to take the kids to an enclosed park and exercised while they played. I did lunges, squats, triceps dips, push ups and sit ups.


  • We’ve just recently bought a stationary exercise bike, it’s fabulous – I can jump on it when I have the time and energy.


  • busy mummy I think the wait would just fall off with all the work you have got wow good luck


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