

My oh my! I must be getting old! I got offered a free ticket tonight to see a live show. Usually I would jump at the chance, I love live theatre and even better it was free. However, I turned it down. Why? The show goes for 2 hours, not including 20 minutes for an interval and doesn’t start till 9.30 pm. To late for me, I like to be in bed by 10!

Posted anonymously, 24th April 2015

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  • I feel like that too, after having kids I can’t wait to jump into bed once their asleep.


  • I find that I’m the same these days.


  • late for me


  • Hmm, a show in summer, yes! Winter?? I’m not sure!


  • I’m an early into bed person but I do love a night our every now and then!

    • I hear you! Love a good show and night out!


  • You only live once is my motto!


  • Treat yourself every now and then! You only live once is my motto :)


  • Such a shame! But; only you know what you are capable of doing. Some people are morning people and some people are night people. Seems quite late for a show to start.


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