7 Comment
I quite often wonder whether we go way over the top on what we buy our kids for Christmas. I see people going crazy at the toy sales buying several trolleys full – then when you ask them how many kids they are for they will say only 1 or 2!!!
I’m a little bit more modest with what I buy for my children buying them one main present each (this year its a combined present as they are getting a new gaming system) and buy them a range of smaller presents based on their santa lists.
Even then there is still only a few that don’t end up just sitting in the bottom of the toybox.
I have the tedious task now of sorting through the kids toys and will be taking bags down to the Salvos or another charity to go to kids in need or they can sell to help the needy.
Posted anonymously, 28th November 2015
Mummytoabeautifulprincess said
- 04 Dec 2015
mom90758 said
- 29 Nov 2015
mom93821 said
- 29 Nov 2015
mom81879 said
- 28 Nov 2015
mom165081 replied
- 29 Nov 2015 , 1:33 am
mom93821 said
- 28 Nov 2015
mom165081 said
- 28 Nov 2015
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