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I had always wondered if the stories about bouncing around with your little one’s whilst pregnant were true or if they were a little bit on the over exaggerated scale until it was a week before my due date with my second little blessing. My daughter loved to jump on the trampoline and being three it was not an extreme sport by any means more like gentle little hops. so when she begged me to hop on with her the week before number two was due I thought nothing of it. I had been to my OB/GYN the day before and he had told be my baby was head down ready to go and all was looking good so I thought five minutes of gentle jumping would be no big deal, but at 5am the following morning my waters broke. I thought nothing of it at first, called the hospital and waited for my sister in law to arrive to watch our daughter. By this stage I had realized that I wasn’t really getting contractions just the tiniest little crampy pains. When I got to the hospital the midwife checked and said my waters had broken by since I wasn’t really contracting she was going to send me home. Luckily for me my OB/GYN was at the hospital and came in to check on me, when he examined me he discovered my baby had turned and my waters had broken because he had poked his foot out first so off to theater for me. The doctor said to me what did you do he was in a perfect postion just two days before and I never confessed.

Posted by raewyn1969, 23rd March 2014

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  • At 36+ weeks I had a particularly ‘rough’ check up with a male doctor who while trying to explain to a med student where my baby’s head was (from the outside), really moved him around A LOT – much more than anyone else ever had with my previous two, then got his sutdent to do the same! I didn’t think much of it but mentioned to my Mum. That night, my waters broke 3 weeks 1day early. He had a cord prolapse and it was an emergency c/s for me too. I guess why I’m saying this is I’m sure it was the ‘bouncing around’ the doctor. Who knows if in either of our cases “bouncing’ is what caused it but you do have to wonder…


  • Oh dear, nearly laughed til I cried! Mostly about you saying you didn’t confess, like you were a naughty child caught doing something you know you shouldn’t. Lo. Lucky there was the 2nd opinion to find out bub was skewiff.


  • great to read this story


  • Lol hope it all went well in the end! Shouldn’t be lol but I could just picture someone with a huge belly on the trampoline! Sounds like something I would do!


  • Oh no thats terrible! I wonder if that was the reason?


  • mm maybe dont try that again lol


  • prob shouldnt of done that a week before your due date


  • wow hope all went well and lucky for you your doctor was there


  • I wouldnt do any sort of trampolining a week before your due, even if its just a little, hope you and bubs are well

    • I wouldn’t have even tried to climb onto the trampoline let alone jump on it, then try to climb off.


  • A week before due date was too much…lol


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