My first born was never a great sleeper, espicially of a night. Waking up several times a night for bottles, cuddles or dummy. I tried everything to get him sleep through the night, I tried at late night solids feed before bed, keeping him warm in sleeping bags, night lights, soft music, a shirt that smelt like me- everything I could think I tried, even a bit of controlled crying. After 14 or so months of getting up a minimum 2 times a night I got a referral and we packed up and went to Tresillian (Penrith). I was worried about how the use the control crying method but was quite surprised after the first night. In fact we had the whole support of the staff, the night started with an early night, after the usual couple of hours my son woke up and with instructions we found a staff member and sat by his side and reassured my baby everything is ok and it’s sleep time, it took a good four hours but he was never left screaming crying. Every night got easier and easier and was self settling by the 3rd night,it still took a while but there was a noticeable difference. They allowed us to go home after the fourth night. Arriving back home and techniques in hand we started to put what we learned into place, with minimal fuss. Each night became easier and easier and as he woke at night he learned to self settle and eventually by 16 months started to sleep through the night. I felt like a new woman. I loved my experience at Tresillian and highly recommend them to anyone who’s child Is having sleep difficulties. During our time at Tresillian since our boy was a good day sleeper we were allowed to explore and have outing days and partcipate in some seminars they did on premises. Overall it worked for us and was happy with the result.
Posted by Sarah, 22nd April 2013
mom57522 said
- 26 Dec 2014
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