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My second daughter is due any day now and it’s started feeling so slow waiting for her arrival. My husband and I have tried to make our first daughter feel love and important right through the pregnancy. We let her announce to everyone that we were expecting and we had a small gender reveal high tea party instead of a baby shower where she got to open a box of balloons revealing that she was having a baby sister to close family and friends.
She’s had a couple books explaining about being a sister, helped me set up and decorate the nursery and seems very excited. I think she’ll be an amazing and very helpful big sister because although she’s only almost three she’s very well mannered, considerate and helpful as is. We’ve prepare a big sister pack for her with an Olivia book on being a big sister, a “I’m the big sister” clip on badge, mini lalaloopsy sister dolls and a kids Frozen digital camera and Olaf USB so she can document her experience of being a big sister.
She’s picked out a toy to give her baby sister when she’s born and I have a present put away for her to receive from her baby sister.
I’m so excited for the new addition to our family and I hope I’ve thought of everything I can (as well as picking out outfits etc) to help my first born still feel very important and loved with the huge transition that’s about to happen to her life. 🙂
Posted by ASparkleKindofLife, 4th February 2015
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