

Today maybe the birthday of our newest addition! Our daughterinlaw had the procedure to start the labour yesterday & on their way home from the Dr’s I got the phone call from our son to say that I most likely will see their baby boy sometime in the next 24 -48 hrs! I could sense his excitement in his voice & it really hit me that my youngest son is going to be a Daddy for the very first time! It is wonderful seeing all my boys as loving husbands & now all as caring fathers. No news as yet but I’m sitting by the phone & ready to welcome another baby into our lives.

Posted by ashblonde, 16th May 2014

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  • The arrival of a new born is always exciting!


  • We get to have more cuddles & his Great Grannie & Great Nan get to meet him next week here at Pa & G’ma’s!


  • congratulations to you and your family – great news :)

    • thank you, he is the cutest little bub & has had lots of cuddles!


  • So happy that Mum & bub & Dad maybe home tomorrow to start their journey! Love this new little family so very much!


  • Finally we welcomed our newest addition into the world! He arrived this morning after his Mum went into labour overnight & gave birth naturally! So inlove with this dear little man, can’t wait for the next cuddle!


  • any news, was it a boy or girl? everyone ok?


  • Still waiting! The 48 hrs have past & poor Mummy & Daddy are in limbo!


  • Congratulations! A new arrival is always exciting!


  • oh congrats to you newest addition if he has arrived yet of for when he does and with every Grandchild that comes into the world the excitement never lessens at all and you always await there arrival on tender hooks. Hope in the end Mum and Bud are fine and you know Dad will be as proud as punch


  • How very exciting. Wishing you all the best :)


  • Still waiting! I guess they come when they are ready!


  • How exciting, love new babies


  • Congratulations. I was in the same position as your daughter-in-law 19 years ago. Induced on the 16th of May and a beautiful little baby on the 17th. it will be her 19th birthday and she is a really fantastic girl. I’m sure your grandchild will bring you all much happiness. All the best.


  • Congratulations hopefully your little grandson doesn’t keep you waiting to long before he makes his appearance :)


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