

As most of you who have been following my stories know, my dad passed away on the 22nd Jan. Its the same day his mum (my nanna) passed in 2011. He was 54. The last 4 weeks of his life, even though mum and dad divorced in 1996, my mum brought him to her home to die. The home we were a family and where he was the most happiest in his life. Having him at mums allowed me to spend time with him in his last few weeks. His funeral was the 31st and I received my half of his ashes on the 11th Feb. I have always questioned spirits and all that stuff and never believed in much of it. I do believe that after he died, his mum and other family members and friends were waiting for him. I have to believe that for my sake. I have to believe there is something happy for him now. I have heard people come to you in dreams but didnt know if it was true or not but still wondered why dad hasnt came to me yet until last night.

Last night i dad was in my dream. It was the day he was dying again as i could feel it. but we werent at mums and dad wasnt in bed. We were all at like a play centre. everyone who was at mums the day he died. We were waiting for a while and someone there said why aren’t we allowed in yet? and someone else said because they probably dont know he is going to die so they arent rushing to let us in. We were all sitting in what looked like church pews or an airplane and He walked past me and i managed to touch his shoulder but thats all. Dad went i think up the back play fighting with someone. In my dream i could feel that i was worried that he should be careful or not be mucking around because he was dying today. When we were allowed in i had my niece on my lap and we went down a slide into the “play centre”. i doing something on a game and when i turned around people were carrying Dad’s coffin out of the place (all the same people that carried him at his service plus his sister) I started crying and as they walked around the corner i kinda fell and then woke up crying my eyes out. Im trying to put some message together and hope it was Dad coming to me

Posted by mrsgreen12, 14th February 2014

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  • really nice


  • yes it is comforting to think that they are ok


  • exellent super story


  • Sorry for your loss x – I had dreams too when I lost my grandfather x


  • Losing someone we love, even when the family has broken up, is never easy. So many “what-ifs”, regrets and wondering. I’m so very sorry for your loss, as I’ve been there. It may not seem like it now, but the time will come when you will be able to think about your dad without crying. The pain will lessen. And yes, 110% I believe that our loved ones do let us know what they’re o.k. Dreams rarely make sense, but it does seems like your Dad was letting you know he’s fine.


  • I believe in dreams like that. I had one with my Nanna and one with my mother-in-law after they died. Both had clear messages. Maybe the playcentre thing is your dad showing you he is in a good place. The plane may represent the journey he took. Sorry I didn’t come across your story til now, I hope you are coping well with your loss.

    • Mel1 I really enjoyed your explanation of the dream.


  • it is sad to hear


  • love and hugs to you hun, it must have been such a trying and hard time to go through


  • Sorry to hear about your loss :(


  • I believe we get alot of little messages


  • after my nan died i had a few dreams about her too


  • I think if you are open to it you will find messages in some strange and unexpected places


  • You poor thing. I have been following your posts. I’m so sorry to hear about your dads passing.


  • oh this is sad, hope your ok


  • RIP and hope everyone in your family stay strong!


  • what a dream. i hope your dad was trying to contact you. :(


  • I had tears reading this


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