
After many years of working multiple jobs at times 7 days a week and sometimes studying too … I hit a wall and decided it was time to slow down and make time for life…so for the past 6 months I have been working between 2 and 4 days a week, but the days I have to myself I feel like I am wasting, I cook and clean and do what needs doing but I find myself doing a fair bit of Netflix and nothing I had on my wish list of things to do when I had no time ? I just can’t seem to motivate myself to do things or commit to plans, it’s almost like my time is so precious I don’t want to make plans or be stuck out …crazy I know…. I am trying to find the way forward and am now planning daily things even simple things like walk to the beach coffee with a friend to try break my routine.

Posted anonymously, 23rd September 2019

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