15 Comment
This year has been hard to say the least, we have had constant visitors all year so far which is fantastic and at the beginning of the year i had carpal tunnel surgery on both hands owwwww. But the worst was 2 months ago on the 18th February my father suddenly passed away. He left here on Friday 14th and headed back to Melbourne and died on the 18th from a heart attack, am still gutted to loose him. Then the aftermath having to go to Melbourne to deal with all his belongings in Melbourne (thankfully my Auntie and Uncle live there and were able to help) got a hard time from his ex girlfriend (who had remarried after they split and has since divorced him) well she was trying to get his car and stuff from his house and she turned nasty. Really didnt need to deal with her. Went through all the paperwork and realized there was nothing but debt. Then the lawyer misquoted me by $6000 so had to sack him and take on the estate myself aarrrggghh. So the battle began of contacting everyone and selling off what was left of dads belongings. Then my daughter went in to have her tonsils, adenoids out, poor girl didnt recover too well, as well as this we were looking at houses as our lease is up so having to find a house (which we did) so now packing and cleaning to move. Dont have the money to pay for a cleaner and my hands are still recovering from surgery and hurt. Add in a 15 year old step daughter and my husbands ex wife and always issues i have had enough am really looking forward to the move but want to get Dads estate sorted and finished (not much left to do) just dont think i can take much more (this is a condensed version of what has been happening and the struggles, heartache and energy have been huge). Thanks for listening
Posted anonymously, 28th April 2014
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