

My Grandaughter lives with me & wants her belly button pierced ,she’s 13 .I’m UN sure but all the other girls have ,so I’m told .Cheers for input .

Posted by deborah_osborne, 7th February 2015

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  • Go with your gut, do you think it’s appropriate? You are the care giver now, the one responsible for your grand daughter. Don’t fall for the ‘everyone else has one.’ That’s emotional blackmail


  • I see that you have lots of great advice already … love MOM for help


  • Thanks ,for answers ,we chatted & googled what’s involved & risks .16 or younger with parents permission .


  • in Australia its 16 as my friends daughter got hers done and they would only do it at 16,not sure if all states are the same


  • In this house the age is 18 when they are old enough to pay for it, care for it and follow up if anything goes wrong with it


  • I remember my boys using the same excuse, but all my friends have them! I personally would tell her when she a little older. The one conciliation earrings can be removes, but tattoo’s are permanent!


  • I didn’t even get my ears pierced until I was 13 – I would think 16 or 17.


  • Check into “all the other girls have” as sometimes this is not quite accurate. I would suggest being older; 18. Then she can make a more mature decision.

    • Good point. Usually it’s just one or two girls, not everyone!


  • I had mine done when I was 17


  • I personally would make her wait till 16. You can get some really nasty infections…


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