15 Comment
A husband may as well be a third child but so much worse. Maybe its just me I don’t know but as of late I feel like I have 3 children rather then 2 children and a husband and it’s getting worse! My husband has a learning disability and when taking his hand in marriage just over 2 years ago I knew things were tough and always would be but they seem to either be getting worse or just getting to me more. First up he doesn’t have a license he is over mid 20’s and he doesn’t drive, he has no interest and doesn’t want his license but I can’t do it all! I drop my eldest at day care, then I drop hubby at work then back home to feed baby, clean the house, do the washing, prep dinner by time all of this is done bam back down to hubby’s work to pick him up ( he only works 8 hours a week) then back home again. After getting home i then have to wash hubby’s uniform and peg that out, bring in the other load from earlier, fold it up, put it away, make up an afternoon snack, feed baby and then it’s off to the daycare to get my eldest. Back home it’s making dinner and feeding everyone, bathing the children, putting eldest to bed, doing dishes another clean up because we all know the toddler tornado has just been through, I try fit in a workout most days followed by a shower. By this time it’s close to 10pm hubby is either outside looking through his damn telescope, asleep or on his phone… (This is all he does!!!) I then feed bubba one last time before bed down he goes, easily thank goodness! I get in bed and then I have forgotten something. Asleep by 11:30pm most days. 2 am most mornings the toddler that is still in our bed wakes and chucks a tantrum because I’ve looked at him. Back to sleep with him while I lay there and try switch my brain off, if I’m lucky I get to sleep around 4am… Then comes the 5am wake up call, bubba wants a bottle… Finishes about 6am, up shower toddler wakes, breakfast and in the car again to start the day. Hubby doesn’t help with a dam thing on his days off he is more of a hindrance then anything else.we have no intimacy going on 14months now and we share no affection. I don’t feel love anymore and more often the not I justfeel anger. What can I do I ask myself everyday but I just put it off and think I will just make it through until tomorrow… One day it will change I hope. I feel like a whinge and a drag but we all need an outlet right?
Posted anonymously, 1st January 2015
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