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growing up, i used to really love watching movies but now days it feels like none are very good and the magic is gone. I will watch anything that comes out but nothing seems to be original anymore. I want to keep my mind open though so every movie will get watched. So much money gets put into the movies and the special effects look really good but the story lines are really lacking. I would love for people commenting, to let me know if they have seen a decent movie lately and why you liked it. Even let me know your movie recommendations from years ago. Thanks!

Posted anonymously, 5th March 2015

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  • I enjoy alot of the old movies Clint Eastwood etc and any movie with Robert de Niro or Al Pacino!


  • I agree with you….a good movie is hard to find these days. I used to love the Lethal weapon series and even the James bond movies but they l\all seem so unreal and ridiculous these days


  • I’m really looking forward to the new Minions Movie …. I mean the kids are 😉


  • nice story to have a read


  • Agreed. I got bored half way through with a lot of movies.


  • Ive seen a few movies lately and I too have found them to be lacking. I watched the Water Diviner a few nights ago and didnt think much of it, though other people have loved it…everyone is different. I am every eclectic in my choice of movies. I love The Blind Side, Remember the Titans, Shawshank Redemption, Schindler’s List, Pursuit of Happyness and Philadelphia.


  • I recently saw Paddington & was disappointed however, Spongebob in 3D I loved. For me, nothing beats E.T though 🙂


  • Just watched the water diviner on the big screen loved it


  • It’s been ages since I’ve been to the movies, so my suggestions definitely fall into the “recommendations from years ago” category… But some of my favourites are Amelie (a sweet and beautiful movie. It’s in French but has subtitles. Highly recommend it), Date Night (great for a laugh), Pride and Prejudice (the BBC one. I love the social interactions of the time) and Serenity (yea Joss Whedon: the man is a genius! If you’re not familiar with this one: the movie is set after the TV series Firefly. Think Wild West meets space). Or you can go the other way, and find the worst movies you can and have a “Crappy Bad Movie Night”. I do this with my sisters and it’s heaps of fun 🙂


  • I really enjoy horror, psychological thrillers, Sci-fi, comedy and romantic comedy.


  • I love comedies! bridesmaids, identify theif, bad neighbours, anything like that. I don’t get to the movies much


  • Hubby and I love going to the movies! He often picks the films we see and I say to him I don’t think that will be much good! But boy oh boy am I often wrong!. A good one if you like war stories is Beneath Hill 66 . I thought that was going to be awful but I thoroughly enjoyed it! The 2 best marigold hotel movies are great and have both humour and pathos, The water Diviner was fabulous but have your tissues on hand, Paper planes was fun but had an emotional element to it as well. The kids give us $50 movie gift cards for Christmas. So 1 card lets us go to 3 movies free plus choc tops! How good is that?


  • So true. I often feel the same way. I don’t know if it’s because Ive been spoilt for choice or whether there is supposed block buster after block buster come out, that turn out to be flops and uninteresting in my opinion. In years gone buy I guess we didn’t have back to back so called block busters as we do now, so when one did come along it was generally amazing. I hired some movies from the library a while ago and watched one from the 90’s called Indochine. It was amazing actually. I also try and keep my mind open by watching a variety of movies, and also not to waste what movies I have by not watching them etc. Its also surprising to see how your opinion and experience of a movie can differ from the critics. I looked up the 2014 best and worst movies and there were movies I thought should have swapped categories. Sometimes I just need light hearted comedy so I have recently watched Dumb and Dumber To and The Inbetweeners 2, as well as Tammy with Melissa McCarthy. All of them got me giggling.


  • I saw Kingsmen on the weekend and I loved it. I love the escapism of movies so sometimes like that there is no real storyline to think about. Other movies I’ve really enjoyed lately (and thought had a good storyline are 100 foot journey and marigold hotel movies.


  • Another thought; how about trying out some theatre productions. I simply love going to local productions. No special effects and plenty of meaty content. Might be worth trying? Finally; get your hands on a movie review book; you should be able to get one through your local library. These books will give you a synopsis and rating for old and new movies and are a useful resource. I have come across some absolute gems! 🙂


  • yeah i guess just try them all out. Surely there is something out there that is interesting


  • It depends on the type of movie you like……i quite liked the RED with all the old actors. I liked the lethal weapon movies and for a good laugh I liked The Millers. For recent movies I quite liked the water diviner, for a kids movie The guardians of the Galaxy was ok. I guess its personal taste at the end of the day


  • I love watching old movies, like “Notting Hill”, “The holidays” “Dirty Dancing” “Pretty woman”… Then movies like “Persuasion” “Sense and sensibility” “Jane Eyre”… I don’t know many new movies. But I saw a very nice one at the movies time ago. It was my first movie in 3D. “The Young and Prodigious T.S. Spivet”. Here you can read what it’s about. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1981107/
    It was a very sweet movie, very poetic, with a nice story behind and great scenes. I really enjoyed it.


  • I love watching movies from all countries. Maybe find a local cinema that offers a variety of movies rather than mainstream cinemas.


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