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All I have every really done is be a stay home mum my 6 children are all at school now I always thought one day the kids will all be at school and I will be able to finally have me time do things I never got to do 17 years I’ve been a stay home mum I missed the kids so much i felt a little lost for some time now I help at their school 5 days a week for half a day I Do the school banking help in the tuck shop or library then home to clean I think about working And want to work even thought of becoming a teachers aid but high cost for the course holds me back then I wonder by the time my kids leave school will I still want to be at the school ahh I don’t know what I want funny how when the kids were all home I wanted to work bit now would rather be with kids 🙂 I talk to other mums who also feel lost after their kids go to school where do I begin with work after 17 years ?
Posted by jody, 30th April 2013
mom81879 said
- 18 Sep 2015
mom113055 said
- 19 Jul 2015
mom57522 said
- 27 Dec 2014
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