

Eww what’s that smell? Holy crap its me :( I gave birth 3 months ago now and cant seem to wash the stench of breast milk and body odour off me. Its so bad that im showering three times a day and yet I still smell, ill scrub in the shower yet as soon as im out I still don’t smell clean like I used to. I was told its due to my hormones and quite frankly im sick of it not to mention how awkward and uncomfortable I feel around people.

Maybe im just being paranoid or my sense of smell is heightened but I cant wait for my body to get back to normal.

Posted by nadia, 26th March 2013

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  • I wonder if your partner notices it. If you have a lcose relationship with your Mum ask her if she can smell it.


  • It might not be noticeable to others.


  • oh wow, don’t remember that – is it yeasty?? maybe a naturapath can offer something up, or give you foods to stay away from that will help you… poor love xxx


  • the smell whats that


  • Ha ha ha, made me laugh. I’m the same with BO. I’ve discovered though our own sense of smell on ourselves is worse than how we smell to others. If that makes sense?!


  • hopefully all your body is back in sync now and you feel better. Hopefully you get more sleep too!


  • how are things now?


  • Ah the joys of motherhood!


  • Did you get rid of the smell?


  • Your blog was posted a year ago, I hope your problem has cured itself, and you’re feeling better and more comfortable and confident! :-)


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