

I have been so lucky to have my mum visit us here in Australia (from Sweden) for over 4 months now, helping out with my little girl as we struggled to get her in to daycare and we were desperate for 2 incomes. But now it is time for my wonderful mamma to go back home to Sweden. I don’t know how I will cope at the airport in 2 (!) days, the fysical pain every time we say goodbye is just unbearable.
I have been so homesick since I had my daughter, I desperately want to be close to my family and bring her up the same way I was brought up as I had the BEST childhood! Circumstances makes it pretty much impossible to do anything about that situation though and I feel a bit lost in life at the moment.
I will miss my mum so much and I am dreading next week when my little 16-month old girl will have to learn not to have her Mommo there every day! She will be just as lost as me but I will have to be the strong one even though I just want to curl up and cry in my mums lap…
I love you Mamma, we can’t wait until you come back again!

Posted by nini, 27th February 2014

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  • Hope your mum can come back and visit soon.


  • yep, that’s me right now. its my greatest wish for my mum to stay with me for sometime here too. her life is so tiering and without much luxuries where she is :( love mum


  • yep, that’s me right now. its my greatest wish for my mum to stay with me for sometime here too. her life is so tiering and without much luxuries where she is.


  • Awwww – I understand that urge to be close to your family and support network when you have children. I’m sure your daughter will have ‘the best’ childhood no matter where you live though. Thank God for Skype!


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