

When I was at university there was a guy I liked. It took me a while to find the courage to ask him out but eventually I did and he said yes. We went on a few dates & then he said he wanted to see other people. I was crushed but moved on.

Many years later I bumped into him at my workplace. He happened to be working at the same company I had just started working for. After we’d talked a few times he asked me why our relationship had never worked out. I had to remind him that he didn’t want to be in a relationship with me. He said he’d made a mistake and asked me out but now I was in a committed long term relationship with another guy & no longer had any feelings for him.

It was nice to feel wanted though and a reminder that sometimes things don’t work out due to timing.

Posted anonymously, 30th April 2014

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  • I think you saw this guy’s true colours the first time around. Although I do agree it’s flattering to be asked out again.


  • Funny how things work out! Nice he wanted to go out with you after every thing!


  • Sometimes it’s for the best though :)


  • your moved onto better great work


  • it a a great and exellent story


  • it sounds like your in a better relationship now any ways so you win and as for him you snooze you lose


  • His loss! It’s great to feel wanted though isn’t it! Timing is a big factor in every relationship!


  • It is always to remembered by a past love and a bit flattering that he asked you to go out, His loss and another mans gain


  • I really like your mum’s saying. That is such a positive way to look at things.


  • It seems like he made that big mistake to let you go well good to hear you both still can remain friends.


  • It sounds like a saying my mum used to say – if a train doesn’t stop at your station, it wasn’t your train. Lovely that the spark was still there between the two of you. Who knows, the timing may be right when you’re old and in the same nursing home together!


  • It sounds like he didn’t realise what he had until it was gone but definitely his loss


  • Imagine if life was like the Gwyneth Paltrow movie Sliding Doors? And we could see what our lives would be if we made different decisions.

    Obviously its his loss, he may have let you down again, who knows? Nice he asked you out though.


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