

I’ve just purchased a walker for my 7months bub. Havnt started making him sit as of now. Pls suggest when should i start ? P.S. he has just started sitting, and does not crawl yet

Posted by Nid, 15th October 2015

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  • when bub can support themselves, i guess. the recommendations are against using walkers now though. But you would have to research that.


  • I wouldn’t use it until bub can stand holding onto something (like a table) and have good weight going through his legs. Putting a bub into a walker early is actually dangerous – they put weight onto their toes, which can lead to toe walking and issues with foot development. Bubs that age should be enjoying tummy time, learning to roll, sit up and crawl. I never gave my daughter a walker and she walked early at 10 months.


  • We started the walker once my kids could stand up while holding onto something. Before then they had no interest in it.


  • I’d wait until he’s been sitting for a few months at least.


  • Personally I wouldn’t give it until he can stand up holding on to things or walk if he is holding on to something.


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