Well yesterday I arrived home with a bill in the mail from the debt collectors, saying that I have not paid $300 on my last bill from the shop I have closed down at the start of the year. It had been past on from tru energy to the debt recovery team. When I saw this I wanted to scream as I knew that I had paid the bill and thought that maybe somehow the new tenants that took on the lease had somehow had this amount onto my bill. I was in a panic but I had to pick up my son from school so would deal with it when I got back home. All I thought about in the next half hour was how did this happen so I just got more stressed and annoyed. I finally arrived home and rang the company and what they said next will blow your mind as it did mine. They actually said ” no your bill has been paid that was a letter sent out by mistake just ignore it” no sorry that I had to get stressed, no sorry that we have not contacted you, just ignore it. Then they told me oh wait you do have $12 on it and I automatically thought $12 I don’t owe $12 and I actually did say this< she then replied with " no you have $12 credit do you want this in a cheque, I told her just close the whole account and direct deposit the $12 in my bank. These companies need to learn to go out of there way if they make mistakes, they should be the ones ringing me and if this had not happened, I would not have known that they had $12 of my money because I was told that the account had been fully closed months ago.
Posted by tilly, 6th May 2014
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