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Has anyone else had a distasteful experience with siblings after a parent has died? My partners family completely fractured after his mum died, all because she wanted to leave her house and 7 acres to my partner. There is another 93 acres that was also to sold and divided amongst the other siblings. Alas, my mother in law didn’t get to do a will of her choice, so none of this is happening. My eldest sister in law took mil to see a lawyer (of SILs choice!) and he told mil she couldn’t do her will like that as it would cause too much friction with her surviving children. So she had to agree to having the whole lot sold and divided amongst all the kids. And still the 2 eldest daughters carried on. One is an executor, mil has been gone 10 years this month and her estate still isn’t settled. We’ve sought legal advice and been told the executor isn’t fulfilling her duties. She isn’t maintaining the property and isn’t keeping all beneficiaries aware of what’s going on. She’s racking up costs that she’s charging to the estate, for her financial benefit. What can we do? Nothing really unless we pay $1000s to take it to court. So sil can keep going making herself money, mil didn’t even nominate this sil as an executor, she was appointed after mils death. We have got the lawyer to send a letter requesting information, which has been ignored, so another letter is on the cards, at a cost of $300 each. Lawyers aren’t cheap! It’s so wrong! They have no respect or love for their dead mum or her wishes, and yet money is the only thing that can stop them :,(
Posted by mom81879, 10th November 2015
mom94125 said
- 28 Dec 2015
ozstarlett said
- 30 Nov 2015
mom93821 said
- 22 Nov 2015
mom56312 said
- 12 Nov 2015
mom93821 said
- 10 Nov 2015
mom165081 said
- 10 Nov 2015
mom81879 said
- 10 Nov 2015
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